The code for the gumroad sale is cyberweekend2021
for 14 percent off.
It will last from now until the end of cyber monday
Teesprings sale shall begin after 12 and i shall update the post with the code when it is ready.
On cyber monday teespring wanted to offer with me 3 nfts for the public.
So there shall be 3 nfts available limited edition as well
12-1pm EST on Monday the 29th $300 each, i not sure if the code will work, as the nfts are done a little differently, but there will be no blockage on my part.
An empathic shielding maker, the flow and negativity absorber.
From the older designs once used as tshirts.
I am happy to have the nfts open for a longer period and perhaps allow the market to grow as well and more members to have an opportunity to enjoy them.
Personally i have copies of each nft release, to me they are are having a treasure chest or really fantastical things you can barely dream about.
It had been a fun experience, these may be the last 3 nfts, at least for this month and perhaps year.
we shall analyze and see how to progress from there.
I am sure some groups are waiting to offer their proposals next year as well.
here is a sneak peek