Looking for Flow State audio field. Do you know where it is?

Hi. Does anybody know if an audio field for the glow state ever existed. I thought I saw it one time but now I can’t find it anymore. Where did it go?


There is an audio named The Flow of Jing, and Probability Alteration and Luck places you into “the flow of luck”, but I have not seen any audios for the flow state.


Thanks! I hope I find it someday. For some reason I remember getting a notification from Dream seeds for tapping into the flow state, but I ignored it at the time. I looked for it in every channel, Enlightened States website and Patreon, but I can’t find it.


Welcome to this reality.
I suppose I will make it here also


Wow, when I saw your posts I kept thinking you might be from an alternate reality and time, experiencing the Mandela effect. I hope everything works out for the best for you. It must be a difficult situation to take in.

Edit: If time exists in non-linearly and the future, past and present already exist together at once then perhaps, when we look beyond the veil of time, we already have the capability to remember the future and exist in the past.

I wonder if you might be able to change some things if you can work more closely with your subconscious, @Remy.

I wonder how the choices described in the description for Timelessness are made.

As humans, we experience time like riding on a train. It is a predetermined line and we can only go forward. Non- linear time would be like us looking at a meter stick from above, where every number is a point in time. We can see every point and go to any point, forward or backwards, at any instant.

All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. Experiencing this truth changes the way we experience time. Time would now feel like one moment, not separate moments divided by different times during the day, days, weeks, months or years. True time moves forward not with the tick of a clock but with the making of a choice. Until a choice is taken, the future is not determined.


Thank you for reply and understanding. It was an emotional roller coaster. Cool and tragic at the same time, but I’ve been living hopeful or in denial about it until a few days ago when the Flow state Audio field suddenly never existed. I got emotional again. I couldn’t believe it.
I did read that article on timelessness from Enlightened States and the one on time traveling too about 8 months ago. There’s also one on stepping over dimensional lines in nature and then…big foot. Apperantly he eludes hikers/campers by crossing over those lines on the ground and disappearing. Check those articles out if they’re still on there or if they even existed.


What about the audio “coincidence and synchronicities “ on energetic alchemy channel (sapien med’s also) ?
Description: this audio helps induce you into a flow state of being where the right things keep happening to you in a very noticeable way.
Coincidences and synchronicities are words used to describe these random and pleasant happenings that lead to the right meetings and situations to help you on your path to abundance.


There is this T-Shirt available, designed by Sapien Medicine, sold on Teespring:


This one aligns you with a different phase of existence where everything ‘flows with unconditional love’
it is like experiencing a magical realm within your normal day to day life. Things sometimes work a little different in here.


That Flow tee-shirt and the Blessings and Synchronicities audio field are good to use for now. I also would try the Gamma Brain Wave audio from his Patreon. Here’s what it says as the description:

“Gamma Brain Waves are the fastest brainwave frequency with the smallest amplitude. They are associated with the “feeling of blessings” reported by experienced meditators such as monks and nuns, and with peak concentration and extremely high levels of cognitive functioning.The gamma wave originates in the thalamus and moves from the back of the brain to the front and back again 40 times per second. This rapid “full sweep” action makes the gamma state one of peak mental and physical performance. Gamma is the brainwave state of being “in the Zone,” that feeling that you can do anything.”

This is what I also found on the internet: "People who have experienced flow, describe the following feelings:

Completely involved in what we are doing – focused, concentrated.A sense of ecstasy – of being outside everyday reality.Great inner clarity – knowing what needs to be done, and how well we are doing.Knowing that the activity is doable – that our skills are adequate to the task.A sense of serenity – no worries about oneself, and a feeling of growing beyond the boundaries of the ego.Timelessness – thoroughly focused on the present, hours seem to pass by the minute.Intrinsic motivation – whatever produces flow becomes its own reward."

"What is the expected outcome?

  1. Develop a deeper rapport with your subconscious mind so you can create faster changes using subliminals, self hypnosis or manifesting.

  2. Develop the ability to go easily into levels of hypnosis that give you instant access to the higher self. This saves you time so you can easily reach those states of Ultra Depth or Quantum Healing where you can manifest healing.

  3. Develop a deep trust and friendship with your subconscious mind and higher self so you can easily watch your goals manifest much faster.

  4. Integrate your subconscious mind as a friend and partner instead of something you need to “hope” works. This creates a sense of power within you. You never worry because you know your mind can do anything."


Do you have the official web address for these products? The link you shared works, but when you go to the website it doesn’t show this product?

but there has been a coffee energy field on youtube in this reality

Thanks for answering my questions.

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Wait what happened to you? Can you fill me in on more?

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Wait. So what are you talking about exactly?

What happened?

You mean like the butterfly effect movie or what?

You can still change things.

The future isn’t written yet though. Hang in there.

I really wish I could help somehow. But your story is on whole ‘nother level strange’. Maybe you’ll find the solution this time.

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Did you come here from another timeline? Was your 2000 in line with our 1940 and you had to go forward 60 years just to move next door into another 2000?

Yeah I was listening to 5th dimensional love when I asked this. Might have been tripping. Thought just maybe I was picking up on something.

Well Dreamy! Tell them about the timeline where Unicorns poop rainbows and gold!
That’s what started this whole mess for me, methinks.

You guys think I’m kidding. I’m not. Dreamy cursed me! :P

(All dependant on which @Captain_Nemo I’m talking to)


I have no idea whether you’re kidding but that is hilarious


what the…

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Don’t you think much of your problems would be solved if there was a desired timeline field???

I really want that…

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Are we from the same reality?

How did I change to this reality?