Looking for Flow State audio field. Do you know where it is?

You think you do. But trust me, you don’t.
You’re already in the “optimal” long-term timeline right now. Everyone is.


How do you know that i’m already on the ‘optimal’ long-term timeline right now?

the present moment is where you have all your power. you can think and visualize a more successful you in some other timeline, but you don’t have their experiences to keep you there. sure they have your name, your looks, but you are still very different people because of what you both experienced.

this present moment is where you can develop the experiences needed to reach your goals. be the reason why your timeline is the most optimal for you.

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Guys, you are already shifting from one realites to others in seconds, in minutes whenever you desire something or giving attention to something what you wish to experience, you just don’t know it, cause this whole all experience is subtle.
You really don’t need this “alternate reality field” you are all already in it, it’s all automatically happening, according to your intentions and attentions.



Massaro certainly shifted from “something” to “something else” lol!

At some point, this guy was writing to me asking questions about Daoist Alchemy, Tantra (which he thought was all about sex) Money Fu-s etc., after he got my contact info from a mutual friend. I never quite sensed anything great or sincere about him, but boy, was he a talker! The cult and abuse part is already making the news - of course, this is not to discount a possibly useful message he may have, but somehow, I stay away from those that I feel lack personal integrity (at least to some basic standards) - because message is but energy!


I swear I could of dreamt that you had a realsed a flowstate audio. Read this comment on another thread and it remind me more about the dream I had yesterday. I am might be going crazy


I know The Flow NFT was originally a t-shirt. I wish I had got it.

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