Etheric Cord Cutter

That’s not what I said at all.

I understand that’s what you said. I don’t understand why you said it, but I understand that’s what you said. I also don’t understand how what you said has to do with my reply. :man_shrugging:

Let’s try this a different way: what do you know about cords and how they are created?

I’m asking so I can help you out, because you didn’t understand my original reply to you.

I agree with you that they are made through interaction of any kind, including you thinking about that person. That’s why I replied to you in the way that I did. YOU create cords just as much as “they” do.

If you had an unpleasant encounter with someone, a cord is created. (At this stage of the example, it doesn’t matter if they created the cord with you or you created the cord with them.) Fair enough. We create thousands of cords each day in the course of our everyday living. That’s just natural. So, you use this (or the Smart) field to clean that up. Good for you!

Now, whether you “see” that person ever again, if you think about them or your encounter with them in the same way as you originally did, you have just re-created your cord with them.

Cutting cords is a first step and it’s a great first step. After you take that first step, you’ll want to adjust your understanding of that encounter (sometimes, we call that “healing” but I think it’s too strong of a word here), so that when you do think about that encounter, the cord that you re-create won’t be a negative cord for you.

When you do this, then it will be “pernanent,” in the way that you’re asking.


That’s why I was asking you my question. :wink:


And thanks for your concern but no grind here. I’m good. :slightly_smiling_face:

Eventually we won’t need to do Etheric Cord Cutter. A shoutout and nudge since it’s related


Does this only cut negative cords? I would like to keep my positive ones and I’m anxious that all of them will be cut by using this audio.

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As stated above (use search box)


Used this with The grand jealousy reflecting shield and also affirmed “I am letting go of any unhealthy or toxic attachments” and let me tell you it worked so so well :sob: People whom I wanted or just simply intended, eventually drifted away from my life. I don’t remember what other fields I was using back in June but that time my family was put in a situation where we had to cut ties with so many relatives. There were so many signs and synchronicities that made me realize how powerful this field is.


Does this also work on places and events? Or only people/beings?

Only people / beings

The description describes what an etheric cord is and mentions places times and events but when it talks about how the field works it only says it cuts and removes connections with negative and lower beings


Bumping thos cause it’s so good.
Does anyone else feel sleepy after listening to this? I kinda want to know why

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I remember falling asleep the first time I looped this, then waking up to a bunch of angry little dudes sitting on top of me lol. But after that not so much. Glad you’re having a pleasant experience with it!


Try love graviton and anything forgiveness related like these

While considering the aspects of balance and justice

Also anything vows and curse removal related.


we need people for “everything”.
someone warned me when i wanted to use the smart cord cutter. i was a bit scared because i already listened to it that day, not just once… then i tried to imagine how and where i felt better before i got closer to them. that helped. we also have to take the responsibility for ourself and our moods and luck and bad lucks back.
one specific person at work was ill the next days (i took it a sign, she’s never ill and very proud of this), so i had some more time to fill the empty space with good feelings.


Can be yes, especially when you dont ‘let go’ or if you feel that there needs to be ‘justice.’ It probably has a lot to do with that. … being taken advantage of…

Try justice for all and possibly ego dissolution


Can this be used to cut witchcraft cords?
Like, for example, for someone who has strong Love stuff upon him.

Thanks @Divine_Lotus I’ll use them now.
I feel a bit better mood wise today but still very heavy in my head and solar plexus.
Just gotta keep on cuttin :hocho:


That makes sense thanks Ceena. I’ll add Quasi Crystal and 5 Elements into my post Cutting stack. Thank you :pray:t3:


My energy system is very weak at the moment, it was doing great but the last few months have been very tough. I need a lot of work on it again.
You have reminded me to add Autoimmune Reversal back into my my stacks, I haven’t played it for so long. When Plasma Flaunt was released I stopped playing it.
Thanks Owl :pray:t3: