I started listening to this one after a recent incident in which i got scammed…
I was reading a book whilst listening to some fields and when this came on, i entered the trance state. I experienced a bird’s eye view of a very large grid of squares, but not only squares, also rectangles here and there, those were actually wobbly squares. This grid felt like an infinite matrix and i assume each square represented a person. I then asked for all my etheric cords to malevolent people to be cut, and then i noticed a kind of electromagnetic charge throughout the field, probably starting from my own square and then pulsating like lightnings through the grid to certain people.
Once it was done, i asked do i need to do this again? And the answer came once is enough. And then i asked who did this? And the reply came the gatekeeper. Upon this answer, i had an image of a very beautiful kind of garden gate but with a very special geometry. Stunning really.
Shortly after i opened my eyes and felt it is done