What field have you used the longest, and what’s its effect been over time? I want to know what field is old faithful for you, why it’s a favorite, how has it changed with you over time
Just curious
What field have you used the longest, and what’s its effect been over time? I want to know what field is old faithful for you, why it’s a favorite, how has it changed with you over time
Just curious
I don’t experiment much with fields, unfortunately, so I only use them for their obvious effects; two fields that I have used the most are HGF and Hemorrhoids, and both of them did their job Perfectly fine, for the most part; other two longterm fields that I like are Virus Disruption and Smart Hulda Zapper, I used both of them for a while, not daily, but still quite often.
Now, PONR Stack, I LOVE It, for it’s Effects on my Mind; I felt depressive much more quickly and more often before using it (now, after a few months of not using the stack, I’m using it again, it’s That good); also, Brain Regeneration, it’s a Gem (I hit my head often lol); Last, but not Least, Chakras (older ones from Gumroad) - I Really Like These, for their Effects (more energy, better and faster intuition, things work better, etc.).
Edit: I don’t have one single old faithful field, but a few of them actually.
I think Soul/core restoration has really helped me alot. I been using for about a month and a half and i consider it an energetic audio which will help physical audios work better long term. I also feel i have more energy at the end of the day and have overcome some bad habits as well. I think this is because soul/core restoration removes some kind of energy leeches that you get from negative things you encounter or people.
Now im focusing on Mana Circuits, there is a new version that also healed my spine i have no lower back pain now coz as a kid i used to play too much video games now im 31 and my back is good! That newer version is called Mana circuits (supercharged) its got a few other audios blended in to make it work better.