Excessive Fire Element

Also coffee it increases the heat a lot.

I barely drink a cup here and there and everytime i feel like if it was in a sauna :hot_face:

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Danny, are you sure it’s not because of Kali also? All the excess energy released by her must also leave your system :fire: :fire: :fire:


Now you’re making me wonder. I’ve been in a phase of heavy detachment and release recently :rofl:
Maybe that also affects this :joy:


“Excessive fire element” actually crossed my mind a few days ago regarding the activity of someone. Just seemingly excessive social interaction, a rise for the dramatic, being the center of attention, and unnecessarily connecting people for things that don’t really matter. More of the behaviorial perspective then physiological.

From a tcm 5 elements view, Spring/Wood energy cycles into Summer/Fire, so people who move energy well between those two may have more Fire around this season (northern hemisphere).

The two main approaches for dealing with excess fire are to cycle the fire energy into earth energy, or direct water energy (may need to build this up) towards fire.

Personally I’m a fan of specific qi gong practices and meditation regarding five elements, but as mentioned things like diet could help. Colors, crystals, feng shui could also be relevant. Hmm, could also take the organ focus approach so fields that work with kidney meridians would be water.

I’m not too aware of fields specifically related to this (except five elements balanced), so kind of curious if anyone has most relevant suggestions.


Yeah that’s the thing, we tend to naturally gravitate towards what we already have a lot of :sweat_smile:

I do also have elemental alchemical ability, but I think this this specific case I would just stick with 5 elements balanced. It’s one of the fields you can leave on loop.
I used to have it in my morning stack for MONTHS and I saw a lot of improvements over time.
I would say just give your body some time to adjust and keep using it daily.

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which is this?
that’s priceless holy

undine, sylph, salamander and gnome

I’m getting those as soon as I get the four charms I ordered
I wish they could all go on the same one lol
(its ok ill just make a charm bracelet)

thank you bup!

Take this with a grain of salt:

This is not an energetic issue. Its physical. It seems to involve your nervous system.

I did a quick reading into the situation and that’s what I got. Let me know how things go from here on out.


you can transfer the servitor to an another object
just don’t create them on the same one