⚜ Exclusive Luxury Wellness (Elite Resort private project)

we also learned from kittens in the past :joy:


i remember that one of the last of rudolf steiners side exercises was being a week in an unemotional state of being. witch is the opposite of what it seems to be. because one will find himself to be even much closer to the world around. (not that i managed this exercise :sweat_smile: just a little but i could take a little taste)
now, that we have icecream it will be much easier :joy:


Two days in, and I can’t remember being this relaxed ever before. During the day at least a couple of times, I struggle not to fall asleep. Very unusual for someone who has been running on adrenaline for many years, unable to mitigate the stress.

When I do sleep it’s the deepest imaginable sleep. Now I’m hoping the effects are not temporary but it’s too soon to tell.


so happy for you!!


Imagine taking a milk bath before going to sleep (during a session with this audio)

The ancient Greek ruler Cleopatra took milk baths. They were the secret of her snow-white skin - smooth, soft and silky. But the benefits of these baths are not limited to the effects on the skin.

It relieves stress and tension and rejuvenate all body :grin:




I’m looking at the 2 pics - that’s cool.
But I can’t imagine reading books in the bath, especially in a milk bath with roses and cocktail lol

It’s very relaxing and decreases the concentration needed to understand the information

although maybe - that book in the photo is a heartbreaking love story :laughing:


Haha, my God, it’s so suitable for the feeling of spring :bathtub::milk_glass::rose::open_book::strawberry:


I have been using this one passively and I felt deep relaxation (like a pleasant numbness in my ankles and shins). It was close to Astral Projection even! Next thing I know…I’m awaking with my pillow in my face :joy: It has been the best way to get to sleep & calm the mind and body.

Next, I will focus on a particular resort and one of it’s programs. I want to see the next layer of it’s potential! You can definitely feel your mind’s blueprint being upgraded as though you are looking from the vantage point of a wealthy individual (in terms of normalizing such resorts as a common part of a schedule; as if it’s simply expected). We may all benefit from such a mental upgrade, with continuous use. Something tells me the spiritual aspects will unfold soon enough (and in multiple layers).


i wanted to go full 360 this week( beauty wellness fitness only) and this resort.
but only yesterday i got some kind of infection and swelling in my mouth and it hurt a lot. so, only healing audios and spa(!),.
today i have an appointment at the dentist to fix some little things and he must take a look at it and when he probably can help with the swelling and it’s nothing serious, then i will visit the luxury resort and i am looking soooo much for it (there is also a dental treatment , will see if i can focus…)
but still, the feeling of a bubble kept the whole week. (seems like everybody gets so needy and tries to catch attention or not want to move one cm out of their common life to help).
in this bubble i am still not getting emotionally confused. not getting angry and disappointed :slightly_smiling_face:


This NFT is best considered as a vast array of different luxurious services for harmony, balance, restoration and renewal of body and soul.

When serious problems arise - as in your case, an infection in the mouth, it is ideal to emphasize specialized NFTs (you have the Shark Clinic) + use standard self-help remedies ( chlorhexedine, furacilin) and a consultation with a doctor (which is what you have planned) :grin:

Refrain from serious physical activity during the treatment of the infection :joy:

that was one of the serious goals of the project.
Thank you for emphasizing that.

and active recovery processes take place in this bubble


yes, for some like brian95… this is to reach higher above, for me it’s one more layer to make a solid ground :relaxed:


I used it 3 times last night. When I woke up this morning, I felt a heavy detoxification feeling, back pain

I thought someone punched me in my sleep😂


LOL. That’s awesome! It’s also confirmation of why my shoulders felt heavily worked over and sore to the touch. It felt as though someone had performed an elbow massage. The neat thing Is, you can tell the difference from a pulled or sprained muscle and soreness from therapy. Even the skin was sensitive to the touch. It’s only showing that it knows precisely what we need; even if we don’t ask for it! This is a next-level project!


truly! Even though I’m not connected to nft now, the detox feeling is still going on 🫣🤧


I have to say the healing on this one I feel quite strong as well as the negentropic spice :))


restoration of inner balance and harmony is the basis of healing :heavy_check_mark: :slightly_smiling_face:


The testimonials are interesting :blush:.

does this nft energy reproduce the same effects as a real massage session in a center?

I’m trying to figure out how it works.

I would like to spend one or two weeks in a thermal center to get a massage, enjoy spring water with bubbles, do good to my body :relieved::heartbeat:


A while ago, I didn’t have a good rest because of my busy work. I also thought I was infected with covid yesterday, but it didn’t feel like it.

I think it was this nft that made me completely collapsed and relaxed, the whole body was detoxified, and I lay down for a day :joy:


i remember i did this at my first time listening to it. to give me a foot massage, like an old friend gave me long ago and witch was amazing.
and i guess i felt it, the whole legs were more than relaxed and so nice feelings…!