💪 Fitness Tech 360 (Ultimate Sport Project)

Yes, I have spent a fair amount of time shortening the project :muscle: :laughing: :fire:

The literal definition of fitness is the desire to keep yourself and your body in great shape and the desire to be healthy. Physical activity, exercise, regular workouts, avoiding bad habits, proper rest and a healthy diet are all important in this complex. In more general terms - Fitness is not just physical training or physical activity, it’s a philosophy of existence, which organically combines sports, active lifestyle, proper nutrition and healthy optimism. This is the fruit of many years of practical work by specialists in various fields, which is embodied in special training programs designed to build a beautiful body, improve health and spirit. The task of fitness - to make life a full, joyful and healthy, learn to conquer new horizons.

Fitness program of this technology is chosen for each person individually, it is determined according to his gender and age, the level of current physical fitness, taking into account the structure of the body. It is also a beneficial effect on the flexibility of muscles and joints, the development of endurance and strength, balance and coordination. The technology itself is a set and automation of various exercises from different areas of fitness, which should also increase the performance of sports in a “physical” environment. Broader thought is a set of scientifically developed techniques and methods that are used to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the sports process in a chosen area.

One of the ideas of the project - Fitness technology should teach very important skills and abilities, and the user himself can make an independent and proactive choice of activities that will meet his needs, interests, personal preferences and will allow to achieve the results, which he set for himself as a goal. It is assumed that the user will also learn to adequately assess his own capabilities and abilities, and if the necessary sports facilities and infrastructure are available, he will model his goals more clearly.

The formation of an ideal figure, the development and strengthening of muscle mass is a natural and effortless result of the project.

For many, the word “familiar” is becoming synonymous with bad. The traditional format of multipurpose sports clubs is becoming less popular because it does not match the values of a generation: personalization and diversity. Long-term relationships with a particular club and sport are being replaced by a desire to experiment. Hybrid areas such as barre (a mix of Pilates, yoga, ballet and exercises with light dumbbells), combinations of yoga and strength classes, Pilates and crossfit are in fashion. The problem of diversity is solved by the single fitness subscriptions that appeared on the market: customers can choose from several hundred classes those that are held in a convenient place and at a convenient time. Millennials and post-millennials are also quickly mastering technology, so the industry seeks to create and use smart gadgets for the training process: dumbbells that change weight, exercisers that select workouts thanks to artificial intelligence, VR glasses with programs for cycling and running.

Innovation does not bypass sports. For example, the Russian company Deus created a training program for exercise bikes using a virtual reality helmet. It can be used with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift virtual reality glasses. The program is aimed primarily at professional cyclists, but can also be used for fitness. Through VR, the environment is fully conveyed, including climbs, while taking into account the resistance of the wheels, and the program also serves as a personal trainer. Boxing VR virtual training can give you the opportunity to learn a real fight and avoid injury. Teens really like training in a VR helmet because the fight feels like a game. The game shows your weaknesses, the artificial intelligence remembers them, and you fight, essentially, with the AI.


The fitness clubs of the German company Milon scan all club members and record data on a personal card. This includes height, arm and leg bends, a strength test, and a flexibility test. After that, a personal program is made for each member. A person comes up to the simulator with a card, and the simulator itself for 5 seconds adapts to him: the size of the body, weight, amplitude - all according to the training program. Load changes depending on the sensor readings in real time. Workouts take 35 minutes, saving time while training all major muscle groups. Working on simulators is synchronized by all participants of the circle on a common timer, no need to wait for anyone. All workout data is stored in the cloud; it is also available to the club member and his trainer in the mobile app.



This is the latest trend in the world of sports, which originated in the United States. Its essence is that a person trains not only his body, but also the neural functions of the brain. This approach helps greatly improve coordination and muscle tone. This is an innovative method of training, which is primarily aimed at establishing a close connection between the brain and the body. Today neuroathletics is actively practiced by professional athletes, as it helps to increase working capacity and recover faster after injuries. Also, some of its elements are incorporated into training programs in fitness clubs around the world.




Martial arts and contact sports are becoming even more popular, and fitness boxing is gaining popularity in women’s fitness. Fitboxing is a combination of various boxing combinations and functional training, so all muscle groups work at once during the class. In contrast to the contact sport does not provide sparring as such, punches at a fast pace is applied only to the punching bag. Power exercises are actively replaced by cardio exercises and vice versa, so fitboxing promotes fast “drying” of the body, strengthens abs, increases endurance and improves coordination. And for those who want to lose weight, it is a highly effective way to get rid of extra pounds, as a person spends about 600-800 kcal per session.



HIIT workouts have consistently been at the top of the most popular fitness trends for the past three years. No wonder, because HIIT helps to achieve the desired results in a short period of time, which is relevant in today’s world. It is a high-intensity interval training, which consists of aerobic load and strength exercises of varying degrees of difficulty. The main task of HIIT is to wake up and activate metabolic processes in the body, thereby accelerating the fat burning process, as well as strengthening the cardiovascular system and muscles.


The principle of influencing the muscles by means of micro-discharges of current - electromyostimulation (or EMS - electrical muscle stimulation), which has been familiar in physiotherapy for decades. Atrophied muscles are repaired by means of sensors connected to the body of seriously injured patients. The same technology is used to train the bodies of astronauts spending months in weightlessness. Since the 1970s, EMS began to be used in cosmetology and fitness, and some companies, like Germany’s AmpliTrain, began producing their own equipment for gyms and selling the methodology - that is, proper handling of the device accompanied by a personal trainer.

For example:

Before your first session, the trainer measures your body composition and, taking into account the data and your goals - to build muscle or burn fat - compiles a program. This is recorded on your individual online page. Each exercise takes 1 minute, with cardio breaks of 4 minutes and 15 seconds to change machines and download your personalized card. All machines adjust for height and weight automatically, and heart rate can be monitored on the screen. The results and progress are displayed in a personal account on the website, but you can just look in your iPhone: after the session a full training report will be sent to your email.

EMA technology is a subspecies of EMS, which stands for electrical muscle activation. It works at medium frequencies, which are softer and deeper than the low frequencies of EMS.


Smart Mirror, which has received more than $40 million in investment. It’s essentially a screen with live-streaming and workout recordings. Customers can access workouts in yoga, boxing, barre, HIIT, cardio and more. There’s also the ability to communicate with fellow on-air members, and gadget synchronization collects and displays progress and load selection data.

This multifunctional exerciser is unique because of two technologies: Tonal uses electromagnetism to simulate and control weight, and machine learning makes a personalized workout plan.

We can’t live in a world filled with technological advances and not be fashion-forward about it too. New pioneering workout gear allows customers to meet fitness objectives faster with high-tech clothing that is both smart and stylish. Record all of your running data with Under Armour’s Gemini 2, check your running form with the Sensoria smart sock, or measure heart rate, cadence, and steps with this Hexoskin high-tech tank.


Super interesting bro your project :star_struck:! I read a few lines but not all, I will take the time to read little by little :slightly_smiling_face:.

Its good this nft :grin:. I planned this week to go find out to sign up for a weight room :muscle: :boom:.


this is an abridged version lol

nevertheless, it is enough to understand the idea, the methodology, and the basics of the project.

Sports are also not a bad thing to learn in the “physical” space. Well at least do regular exercises at home, to keep in shape.

I have a sedentary job at the computer, many of the Captain’s technologies are just an salvation. :muscle: :grin:

I sometimes justify myself, of course our body and its care - in our hands :slight_smile:


me, knitting socks while listening to Dao Darkness :innocent:, feel so old fashioned :sweat_smile:


Amazing, as always. :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Congrats! :clap: :muscle:


just say i’m crazy :laughing:


Nah, far from that. :rofl:


I just finished reading. If I understood correctly, it would be an nft that would help build the body in an intelligent way using different approaches.

there will be an automation of the muscular work of different parts of the body, is that right?

Like for example the audio series "Automated cardio, workout, upper body, gluteal etc…

Will there be an energy that will boost the desire to play sports or any other physical activity? Improve motivation, give us this energy to attract us to play sports :blush:


yes, and yes again.

I believe in it.

and in the group I talked about it

in any case - physical activity is our prerogative :muscle:

Spring is here, the grass is getting greener, get outdoors more
I’m about to start the country house season. :laughing:


Great :star_struck: !!!

I decided to get back to sport even if I work during the day, I don’t mind going to the gym afterwards. I will also find out about taking yoga classes to help my body better circulate energies, improve my flexibility and other beneficial aspects to improve my health.


Wow, it’s a community project, yes? Congratulations!


I met other people…women lol…it’s cool lol.
Seriously my body is asking for it :pray:. it’s part of my journey to become the best version of myself :blush:

Bro I’m interested in your project :grin:!!!


my god you have so many resources

I also tried for you :joy:

do not forget our amazing Alchemy of beauty and health

Yes, Thank you :muscle: :slightly_smiling_face:


In fact, I have several of them ,yes :sweat_smile:.

As mentioned on another thread at the moment Modern Alchemy is at the top of the energy important for my health evolution, physical improvement, mental (Mental healt is also part of it) and spiritual.

I have very powerful healing energies (including yours :wink::arrow_double_up::ok_hand:) but it’s not enough.

My primary goal is to get rid of visceral fat quickly. It is one of the major causes of my health problems. Diabetes, cholesterol, colon pain, deficiency, inflammation etc…


as my mother said - health is in our hands

use different approaches and methods, diet and exercise

and of course - powerful energy tools from Captain :fire:

you are a smart guy and you know what to do :slightly_smiling_face:





Oh … This is something special!

Congratulations Vishal and I hope every one enjoys not only the vast improvements in athleticism, work out performance and gains, but! The quality of life improvements!!

Genius write up per usual Ugnis :zap:



I talked about this in one group, and I’ll say it again. It is such very subtle, very delicate and complex things that activate very complex processes and mechanisms that I can only entrust to the Captain.

This is also related to the Taoist very complex projects that have been created, and several are planned for the future. These subtle energy circuits can only be recreated by him. And I have been convinced of this more than once.

Projects of this level I simply cannot imagine who else on Earth can model them.

You have always encouraged an active life stance. Thank you for your kind words :star_struck: :muscle: :fire:


since i have this it seems that i have a personal coach witch makes me to move a lot more, eat the right things…
i dislike chocolate! when i ate some chocolate every day, a bad habit that i developed few years ago. and this is my personal approach to breaking bad habits, in quitting them. not the slow gentle way that people suggest. so the coach seems to know that and i at the moment have an aversion against some foods now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
the other thing witch i am very happy about is that my stomach is flat not only in the morning, but stays like that the whole day. no more big bloated belly in the evening. and my movements are more healthy, carry something heavy with a straight back, sitting a bit straighter…
i love it!!


yes, they are!
i listened to the audio a lot, like 3-4 times twice a day in the first days, then i had to care about something else, but still could not resist and played it once or twice. the printed pictures are all around. i am not so organized. i think i should not leave them all over the appartement…anymore.