🏊 The Swimmer (Private specialized project)


Swimming involves almost all the muscles and systems of a person - swimming classes are equal to standard strength training. For people with different levels of fitness swimming helps to noticeably improve health and create an ideal figure. Water density is much higher than air density, so physical activity in the pool is much easier to bear, and the muscles strengthen and burn fat more intensively…

Regular swimming exercises have a calming effect, contribute to the development of the muscular system, mobility of the ligamentous-articular apparatus, improve coordination of movements, have a positive effect on the nervous system. Swimming allows you to give adequate exercise, providing comprehensive prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and return mobility to the joints.

After training in the pool stabilizes the work of the circulatory system. Pressure comes to normal, cardiovascular disease almost disappears. Vessels gain elasticity, heart rate stabilizes. Improves the respiratory system, involving a larger area of the lungs. This provides a more intensive oxygen saturation of the blood, which improves the blood flow of the body.

Therapeutic swimming is a great workout for the joints, muscles and heart, which is combined with relaxation of the body. People who have serious problems with the spine, especially in the presence of herniated discs, physical activity is contraindicated. But lessons in the pool will recommend any doctor. Swimming is an intensive work of the back muscles, and the load on the spine is completely absent. Therapeutic swimming has virtually no contraindications. It provides a harmonious physical load in the complex prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

By the means of therapeutic swimming include special exercises aimed at restoring health and physical performance impaired by disease, as well as after injury or surgery. The whole complex is aimed at improving the health of the body, the development of physical and volitional qualities, strengthening motor skills. In water, exercises are also used to stretch the body, to maintain body balance, to increase joint mobility; coordination; strengthening of weak muscles and relaxation of tense muscles; exercises to relax the body, breathing exercises.



  • Unloading of the spine - creation of favorable physiological conditions for normal growth of vertebral bodies and restoration of the correct body position;

  • possible correction of deformities; education of the correct posture;

  • improvement of movement coordination; increase muscle strength and tone;

  • correct breathing; improve the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; hardening;

  • acquiring swimming skills - mastering swimming techniques;

  • development of willpower qualities and creating a mental stimulus for further therapeutic progress;

  • help with varicose veins and vegetovascular dystonia and other vascular problems;

  • weight optimization and an ideal figure.

The design of this project presents a smart Servitor that automates the swimming session (therapeutic, preventive, wellness) and directs all the effects to the user’s body. Recreating a swimming process that will match the user’s capabilities and their goals that they are pursuing. Individualization of the swimming style (crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, others), ect. The project was formed on the basis of methodologies described in the specialized literature.


Integration of a healthy lifestyle mindset, optimizing a person’s motor activity in combination with rational nutrition and hardening.

Most people are unsure of themselves in the water when they first learn to swim; their actions are hurried, poorly coordinated, not coordinated with their breathing rhythm and focused on keeping themselves on the surface of the water, so they quickly become fatigued. The servitor integrates essential skills for beginning swimmers, such as:

  • breathing technique:

Breathing drills are of great importance and can solve many problems, especially with chest abnormalities. When breathing exercises form the respiratory muscles of the body, improves lung function, stabilizes the work of the circulatory system of the body, ect.

  • the technique of movements of the legs with voluntary breathing, breathing out into the water; coordination of movements of the legs and breathing; technique of movements with voluntary breathing, ect.;

  • coordination of movements with breathing; coordination of movements with hands;

  • coordination of movements with hands and legs with breath retention;

  • coordination of movements with hands, legs, and breathing, ect.


… the main objectives of which are the achievement and further maintenance of the desired state of health, improvement of the quality of life, prevention of diseases associated with age and harmful environmental influences. Under the influence of energy swimming sessions activates physiological processes, improves the structure, improves the functioning of all organs and systems, increases efficiency, strengthens health.


… to maintain a beautiful body shape and health, mastering the skill of correct posture, stretching the spine, strengthening the muscles of the trunk, correction of existing disorders, control of strict stabilization of the spine. Automatic cardio workout.


Therapeutic swimming implies various complexes of swimming and physical exercises. Different swimming techniques may be used or only certain elements may be used. First of all, therapeutic swimming becomes a great solution for people with various spinal disorders, especially if there are hernias. Such water therapy is prescribed to strengthen the muscle corset. In addition, the therapeutic version of swimming is widely used in the rehabilitation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, is used in the rehabilitation of neuromuscular diseases. For posture disorders, swimming is of primary importance. Therapeutic swimming is used as an option for recovery after injuries or operations - we are talking about a specially selected set of exercises in the water, not just simple swimming.


… for each user with a disease of the musculoskeletal system, special additional corrective energetic exercises for different types of diseases of the spine and other systems (depending on the age of the patient, the nature of their disease, the general condition of the body, the degree of physical fitness); systematic influence; cyclical, regular influence and its duration; use of new and varied energetic influences.

All exercises are divided into general training (strengthening) and special exercises intended for selective action on a certain segment of the musculoskeletal system or the entire body. At the same time, one and the same exercise can, depending on the goals and objectives of the complex of exercises for some diseases are considered as a special, for others - as a general developing. Always choose the optimum ratio of energetic influences: general development and respiratory, by elements and in coordination, in free and quick tempo, with active and passive rest (relaxation, pauses). The total volume of influences should correspond to the mode of motor activity of the user. Moderate swimming, uniform overcoming of different distances in water at a free tempo is one of the types of cyclic exercises, which have the most beneficial effect on the activity of the entire human system.


The choice of swimming style is determined by the functional task (to have a general strengthening effect on the body, improve respiratory function, strengthen certain muscle groups, correct posture, etc.). For example, to eliminate stooping it is advisable to swim freestyle on the back. Such a style of swimming as a dolphin, due to the large general physical load, complex coordination of movements, the risk of excessive mobilization of the lumbar spine in the therapeutic practice is less acceptable.

Methods of swimming that are not currently used in sports competitions can be recreated. These include swimming on the side, breaststroke on the back, etc. The first of these methods can be used to create an asymmetric load on the muscular system, spine, chest, the second can help correct deviations in posture in the sagittal plane. Swimming style butterfly creates a great general physical load on the muscles of the upper limb girdle, back, activates the metabolism, has a training effect on the cardiovascular system.


Swimming is widely used for posture disorders, especially scoliosis. In this case, the formation of the correct position of the spine, and in some cases, the correction of deformities of the chest. Breathing becomes deep and even, muscle strength increases, the overall tone of the body increases. Therapeutic swimming for posture problems has two main effects: correction of the position of the spine and hardening. The main style of swimming for the treatment of scoliosis is breaststroke with an extended glide pause, during which there is maximum extension of the spine and maximum muscle tension, the possibility of increasing mobility and rotational movements of the body and pelvis is minimal. The shoulder girdle is parallel to the water surface and perpendicular to the direction of movement, arm and leg movements are symmetrical, performed in one plane.

THE MAGIC OF THE WATER ELEMENT, and other bonuses, ect.

In the project itself, the word “servitor” was present, and I left that term in the description itself. But I hope everyone understands that it is impossible to call such a high-class specialist as a mermaid a “servitor”. lol

Audio + Mandala

Also, interesting info:

The Bajau live in coastal areas of the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia and are famous for their ability to dive to depths of up to 70 meters and stay underwater for up to 13 minutes. Most people can hold their breath underwater for a few seconds, some for a few minutes. What is the secret of the so-called nomads of the sea?

A study published by the specialized journal Cell reveals that the Bajau’s ability to immerse is the result of a genetic adaptation.

“The closest thing to the Bajau in terms of their work time underwater are the sea otters. Like them, they also spend 60% of their time in the water,” said the person in charge of the study, Melisa Ilardo, from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), according to the Sputnik agency.

The Bajau have a mutation of the PDE10A gene. This regulates the secretion of the thyroid hormone T4 and increases its levels and, therefore, increases the size of the spleen. The researchers indicated that the Bajau have a spleen that is up to 50% larger than other peoples in the region.

When we stop breathing, the blood vessels constrict and the spleen begins to release oxygenated red blood cells. This means a supply of 10% more oxygen to the blood system.


:merman: :merman: :merman:





that isn’t Amber Heard right?



Are you talking about the actress?
I don’t know.

I know one thing that the Captain recreated the atmosphere of the Baltic region, the fresh healing sea air, which seems to feel the healing energy of amber. This theme was brought up in the project The Scorpion

Prem lol


:joy: :joy:




he hit the spot :)


Lol i just seen the pciture lol. Thats why he said it okay. not because what she done. :man_facepalming:

1 Like

I was looking into the Bajau variants as well. Nice!

Amazing work, any chance Moken Tribe Underwater vision was added as well?

Anyways, awesome project : )


I don’t know, honestly.
If it’s added, it’s a nice bonus from the Captain lol

it’s a very concrete systematized specific sports and therapeutic project, with very advanced functionality

From the reviews

i played this a lot yesterday ( i forgot it was still playing :sweat_smile:)!
i went to bed and slept within few minutes, felt physically tired, so good!
i am so thankful for this and when i read through the pdf and i saw flat feet…this is the only problem i started to develop from my mini trampoline!
i was exited for this nft and then the happy feeling when Captain Nemo announced:
a song startet in my head and stuck there in the middle of the rush hour on my way home, i flew the stairs up to the fifth floor like a … warrior athlete :muscle:… all happy and feeling so privileged!
the mermaid is so cute and makes the a perfect complement to the fairy queen and the warrior athlete!


Original image:





thank you!


When I was audio yesterday, I could feel the bones in my chest moving🙏


swimming is one of the best, ecological ways to workout the whole body and muscles, it happens very harmoniously and correctly in terms of biomechanics, it is the best “gym”. That’s why this system was chosen

but it’s also a holistic therapeutic project, also aimed at correcting the musculoskeletal system

also, be realistic - use easy exercise at home to treat your scoliosis. I’m sure you can find visual examples on youtube


:wink: no problem


is it a automated swimming exercise too?