EXP Potion

I’ll probably focus my intention on my health/bodily constitution and play it first before health fields like max health. If u wanna try maximising then u can play both before and after ig


Sorry , what’s ig ?

I guess


Oh ok , thanks :grin:


Cool concept. Just picked it up.

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My early testimonial.

I got this on an impulse, without even reading the description because it just felt right.

I fell off a bike (that’s totally on me, biking in Napa on a rainy weekend, loose soil everywhere, and thinking about my breath, what a doofus) - pinched a nerve.

  • Smart Rife helped a little not too much…
  • Cold Water Therapy helped to an extent
  • Looped Max Heal Potion - it reduced the pain significantly, by about 50%
  • And then added this to the mix (5 times of each, and looped the playlist). It took the effectiveness of Max Heal Potion to 200% and I am pain-free…

Even my GF is surprised at how soon I am walking around and even went to the gym today for a light workout.


I looped acu automaton while looking at the image of the potion and after a while I felt heat, like actual heat concentrated into my fingers.first time that’s happened.


You’ve hit the nail…

I was struggling to articulate my thoughts but this potion seems to make other fields (at least the healing ones) way more powerful and accessible!

This is like a potion for other potions! :mechanical_arm: :smiley:


@LittleOwl doss it work only on physical strength (intelligence is also a physical strength in a way) ?
Can it also increase my experience in say … spirituality, manifesting, and things like that ?


I was decided to not buy more fields for a while but saw this and somehow hooked me…Made a leap of faith and bought it . I’m sure it was the right decision :blush:


Yes it can assist in almost all possible areas (from your own bodily capabilities from intelligence deriving from the brain to strength and flexibility; to skills and esoteric skills such as manifesting as you mentioned)


I have a lot of work, so finding time for sports is tough. But whenever I can, I enjoy playing soccer with my close friends. this NFT looks like a perfect fit for people with busy schedules


I didnt bought it but i’m sure this one can help to integrate all other fields with a better efficience by raising up energy and endurance.

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Skill of the day: learning French

already notice that I can remember and understand grammar way easier, same goes for pronunciation

Pairing this with Scholar + Manhattan Method


Can’t resist to bought it
I just loop this one time and focus on endurance by thinking myself running
In the first minute i feel my breath gets clearer and i feel an expansion in my chest like i always run. Also, i feel lighter in my body moves.
Next time i’ll focus on Energy


thank you, I appreciate your sale.


@Dreamweaver … can it help to grow my skill for positive thinking and being happy and things like that? Also manifesting … but I want to manifest only what I really want not every thought I get. If you understand what I mean … I don’t want to be that skilled at manifesting that all I wish come true because mind can have all sorts of wishes and thoughts and not all are genuinely wanted or even good for you


In a sense it provides an inner power and also that conceptual mana reserves
which the concept was also based on
most people don’t have any sort of energy storage really… other than themselves,
so this can accentuate also magical dealings or energetic things
or things involving the mental world like you are asking about, by also providing an extra energy source for bio-energetic processes, for a period of time.
Just the same as drinking the potion.


Thank you so much captain for the response and clarifying what exactly this field is for… buying it right away now… thanks :pray:t2:


Super powerful nft this is, glad I traded what I had before for this one

Insane energy gathering, super fast regeneration and healing (clear eyes, inflammation killer, and I set my intention to be a master manifester, and I already see some results… more to come on that though until it FULLY happens)