Experiences with the Fae & Energetic Support Servitors

No, I mean an actively bad/thing or person actively doing something.
Not just moving it around too much.


I was always open minded, so yes, I would have been interested way back then. I was “shown” at about 16 that I would be a healer. When I was 12 or so already knew I would be a nurse. (back then it was very rare for a female to be a doctor)

So it would work if I put it on a pendant and wore it to the doctors office? A mobile environmental cleaner?

100% true for me. I wouldn’t have given your morphic fields a chance back in the day. Really found the Sapien Medicine channel at exactly the right time.


Capt Nemo, there has ALWAYS been rigid thinking ppl. There has always been ppl that are scared and then lash out, out of fear. They want to protect their viewpoint. Nowadays the fear is palpable because of Covid and other things. Forces want to take that fear and enlarge it monumentally. Fear makes most ppl take a step back and further retreat in a lot of ways (sorry I cant find the right words just now.) It brings out MOSTLY the worse in ppl. YOU are a lightbearer and lightbringer. You give hope and relief to many. As my deceased father would say “Don’t let the bastards get you down”


oh sure,
I was just using it as an example
to show how some may need some time to come around
or re-assess what they think.

yes you can wear it and walk around.


Excellent ideas!

I generally buy rune stones from Amazon (Dale’s idea lol), which have symbols carved (sort of identification) and use them. As of now, I have used vases, a speaker, paper weight, my air purifier etc. to create Environment Transformers. I was a little apprehensive about using electronic gadgets, but they seem to work well without any issues!


So, I prepared a list (cheat sheet) of commands for the new Energetic Support Servitor (based on passive abilities which require explicit commanding). Possibilities are endless!

  • Stimulate all my Chakras
  • Balance the Energy Flow in all my Chakras
  • Balance the Energy Flow in all my Meridians
  • Flood healing energy through all my meridians for the next 1-hour
  • Flood healing energy to part of my body
  • Send a high-frequency focused stream of energy bolt to and protect me from its attack
  • Quickly clear the environment around me by sending a high-frequency stream of energy all around me
  • Store environmental/ambient energy till I tell you to release
  • Fill me with the stored energy (or direct it to of my body)
  • Channel the healing energy from Mother Earth to heal my chakras
  • Channel the healing energy from earth’s ley-lines to my foot chakras
  • Channel the energy from Mother Earth to ground me
  • Shield me from all psychic attacks directed at me
  • Shield from all negative attacks for next 24-hours

I created the Fae Servitor 2 days ago. From the beginning I am in a very positiv mood all the time. Must be the “draw positive energy” effect and I love it!


What happens when your electronic gadgets break down and stop working? Do you break them up and throw them out? What would happen to the environmental transformers then?

Love this list, you can list all that comes to your mind if you want lol its always nice to have extra ideas :blush:


Exactly why i wouldnt created them on things like that

A lot of things may or may not happen! What happens if you lose your stone? Or pendant? Or if there is an earthquake? Or a cyclone? Or aliens steal the gadget? Or the servitor gets upset that you did not sweet whisper for last 45-min? Lol

If it breaks, use something else to create a new Transformer.


@Maoshan_Wanderer lol! True… those questions would apply to all items really.

Well… is the environmental transformer also a servitor? I was thinking about that whole dragon thread and it was supposedly being sad. I thought the poor transformer then would be aimless with no home.

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Lmao im still laughing at that whole ‘dragons are sad if you dont talk to them’ :laughing: i mean seriouslyyyyyyy now


Not buying it. AT ALL :slight_smile: Servitors don’t exhibit such emotions and absolutely not Dream’s servitors!

Imagine, if this was the case, they could also go rogue and get angry!

Such things are possible with Tulpas (pronounced sprul-pa) but not with servitors. Another servitor creator who was in this sphere before Dale and Dream came along, was a bit of an amateur and created certain servitors which would grow weak or damaged when under psychic attack, but even those badly created ones never turned rogue! Because the energy structure of her servitors was erratic, my guardians would mercilessly thrash the servitor to prevent it from causing me energy imbalance and in a week, the supposedly “infallible” servitor was weak and diminishing in power. Still, it was like a program that was no longer able to operate with the efficiency it was meant to, but it did not turn into a virus. Dream’s programming is way more complex and sophisticated, but it is still a program!

So while one should be mindful of their creations with a sense of responsibility, one need not worry as though it was a sentient being with emotions, because it is not! Tulpas, a concept bastardized by the “black” application of Tibetan Dream Yoga, on the other hand, have such risks involved.


Thanks for explaining that, @Maoshan_Wanderer. So, think of them as energetic programs vs feeling energetic beings?


Let me put it this way - they are programmed to behave as energetic beings :smiley: And they evolve as well, in the sense of their capabilities and energetic sense response (which is again defined by Dream’s programming), but not in terms of human emotions such as jealousy, love, boredom, anger, etc. Humans are uniquely blessed with the toolkit of emotions, which can be a great boon if harnessed correctly!


This is going to sound strange, but… I received my 2 jars of nice stones (one for environmental transformers) via mail along with my cat supplies. The small stones are REALLY tiny lol. The top cover of the heavy duty plastic jar of tiny stones was off the grooves and uneven, probably from all the cans of wet cat food landing on it via delivery. I actually have a pretty good grip strength for my age and gender. I couldn’t get that blasted jar open, no matter what I tried and how many times I tried! Didn’t want to make a hole in the plastic because, it would be a mess with the tiny stones. So finally I asked my 2 servitors and my dragon, if it was within their abilities, to open the jar. I just started to put my hands on the jar,…and the jar opened!

Also 2 days after I made the 2 Tome servitors, on just waking up from sleep I saw one, who stood there with an arm up like saying hello! I didnt see wings so assume it was the energetic support servitor. I saw it with closed eyelids. I got very excited!

I almost hate to say this, but I already care about them! (yeah, inside I can be a mush!)


I’m going to use your list.
Do you have a list of commands for fae?