Expert Instruction: Dealing with a Huge Listening Stack

When you have something that is so totally awesome as Sapien fields (and other cool stuff on the internet) you obivously want to absorb and utilize of it as much as possible.
Otherwise why are you even reading on this forum? :wink:

However, very soon, reality of physical space-time kicks in and we discover that we cannot listen to everything at the same time and not even during the same day or week. With Sapien fields we have to learn to prioritize more so than ever.

When we then also realize that Incarnational Time is the most valuable resource that we have and the goals that we want to reach in this life, optimizing and prioritatizing the proper listening stack becomes the NUMBER 1 URGENT TASK to do.

I am not exagerating here. The right stack can save you years, while a not so optimal stack can send you on a long detour. If you have not optimized your listening stack yet, then drop everything and do this right now!

So have to optimize one’s listening stack?

Before we can even start, it is important that you are familiar with at least the most of the available Sapien fields here, which are ca. 500 up to date!

Additionally, there are other good creators out there who do everything from subliminals to energy programming. :exploding_head:

You can only prioritize when you know what is available!

This is why many of us are studying this forum – to learn what field can do what and then decide how important it is for our personal situation.

So for the optimization process:

First, we have to ask the question whether a certain field can be automated via wearing a tag or a mandala.
If the answer is yes, then this is the first thing to do because tags and mandalas do not cost incarnational time!
If you energy system can handle it, get all tags and wear at least half of them most of the time.
One can wear more at the same time with the Magi tag.
Absolute must-haves here are the SLR tag, the Intercession tag and either the Glory tag or the BPIL tag.

You can also ask your dragon golem to help with automatization of specific fields.

Second, you have to ask yourself what fields act as boosters for you.
A booster can work on many different levels:

  • Removing limiting beliefs (SLR, Ego Dissolution)
  • Removing energetic blocks and extending energy system (Chakras, Torsion)
  • Fixing your energy system (Soul Restoration series, Curse Spell Removal)
  • Giving you more energy to work with (e.g. Negentropic Jing, Ojas, Magi tag)
  • Raising your vibration (VoC, VoT)
  • Love & Gratidue (!)
  • Accelerating manifestation
  • Getting help from other humans, entities, angels, aliens etc.
  • Accelerating your understanding (Conceptual Realization !)
  • Increasing your psychic communication with others – comunication is key! (Higher Self, IPF, Animal Empathy)
  • List item


Third, we have to find out how many hours per day we can actually listen to something and this will be different for anyone. Different job and family constellations will give or limit your time with listening. Let’s say you work from home and live alone, then you’d have almost 24 hours per day to absorb fields. If you have to work with people and then at home take care of your family you may only have maybe 2-4 hours per day of maximum listening time. You need to know your daily max listening time in hours.

Let’s say you have 10 hours per day to listen to fields.
Into those 10 hours you now need to insert the amount of time that your boosters will occupy.
If you listen to all the mentioned booster categories above you may have to listen to boosters only for 6 hours alone.
And this is totally fine, because boosters are a total must have!
If your boosters occupy more hours than you have in total, use 80-90% of the time for boosters and the remaining 10-20% for your current stack.

In our example of 10 daily available hours, and 6 going to boosters, this leaves us with 4 available hours for our “regular daily stack”.

Then you have to split this amount of availble hours (in our example 4) that you can listen to into three different categories:

  • The listen with speakers or earbuds category (because no one gets hurt or wonders about the sound)
  • The listen with earbuds category only (because you are in public or at work)
  • The listen while sleep category (audios that are rather silent)

From here it is all very self-explanatory and you should be able to know how much of which fields you can fit into which category.

  • For each audio that you want to listen too, assign 10 minute slots, since most audio fields from Sapien and other creators are between 5-10 minutes long.
  • Keep in mind that most fields need to be listened to 2-5 times to work good.
  • Professionally done subliminals usually run 30-60 minutes.

Keep in mind that the ego wants to listen to everything and get all the results ASAP. But don’t fool yourself that you can listen to more. The amount of available hours is the real world limit of how much you can fit into your stack.

Find out what you can automate, calculate the available hours (a brain stack will help with the math here :wink:) and then adjust your daily/weekly playlist to this. Then stick to the playlist for at least a few weeks to get results.

Yes, you need to do this exercice in writing or with a spread sheet.
If you do it in your head - your thirsty ego will trick you!

And of course, at some times you need to put down all tags and just have a calm field-less night of sleep :sleeping:

Additional expert tips:

  • It helps to break down the listening stack into categories (e.g. Healing, Wealth, Looks, Attraction, Spiritual Development, LOA etc.). This will give more clarity and prevent the ego from wanting everything at the same time.

  • Sapien fields can often be listened with subliminals at the same time, but you have to check if the combo works (depends on whether it will interfere with the Sapien field or not)

  • As you can see, one should totally pay for the stronger versions of the free stuff (from any creator) as this allows you to get more into your daily listening stack. E.g. I recently purchased Negentropic Jing and it is totally worth it over the free version. Therefore go and search between your sofa cushions for some spare change and exchange it for something that will save you incarnational time.

  • Iterate this optimization process as you move ahead. At some point in the future you will be able to do it completely in you head.



Thank you, this was helpful!


I always said we need here coaches for stacks even paid ones, nvm, lol cause good stack saves of lot time and increase efficiency of fields working


Awesome threard man!

I tell you what I did tho.

I categorized most of the fields into categories, and pretty much put everything that has to do with mindset, for example Self Esteem, Abundance, Essence of Mantras, Become Whole, Imaginarium Divine and etc. into one stack, which is about 4 hours long.

Now what I did too is I created a bracin stack (thanks to philips guidelines of course) and made a stack on my phone.

Both in all are about 8-10 hours long.

And I simply don’t have the capacity (I do but dont wanna) to listen to them all after one and another.

What I have is a Stack on the PC, “The Mindset Stack” and “The Brain Stack” on my phone.
What I simply do is, I play both of them at the same time!

And I do that with many different things, for example “The Physical Looks Enhancement Stack”, I play along with “Blueprint Of Life” for 2 hours, and here again, on phone trough speakers and on PC trough headphones. I’ve even gottan a second phone and have a second pair of speakers which I sometimes use for envrioemental fields.
Basicly what I did is, cutting down a whole 12-14 hours process into simply half the time, because of simultaneously usage.
I kind of even plan to get a smaller speaker for the second phone to have 3 different playlist play at the same time.

This is how I do things.

You are welcome to try it out and see if it works, or simply go about the way you want to do.


I keep track of everything, day after day on a calendar, so I can go back and check on progress, results and so on. Specifically, I can go back to the middle of 2016, when I started to write down everything I listened to during the day. If I was traveling somewhere, I would make a photocopy of the calendar of planned travel / stay days, so I quickly updated on the way home. In my opinion, handwriting is much more important and can have a greater power of transformation, because re-reading one’s own handwriting results in a self-power of satisfaction and realization.

On this tip, I was not informed, thanks!

Thanks also for this tip, as for this whole topic.


great thread!


This is amazing advice, thank you!


i have too many morphic field audios now so i don’t really do ‘consistency’ like a 9-5 job.

i listen to my inner guidance/higher self/ etc to advise me on what to listen to and for how long.

the way i see it is our higher self knows exactly what is up with our energy body, our goals, and what we are unaware of as if we are their sims knowing all of our parameters.


can you show us some example?


In the title it says “Expert Instruction” and at the same time I described the process in as much detail that a 15-year old with an Excel spread sheet can follow and execute it.

Come on, mate, I will not do the work for you :wink:


I may add, this piece of advice i personally found crucial. Let me explain…

I started out feeling pretty bad so i would follow the PONR suggested stack. On top of that I’d add absolutely any clearing field i could think of, because i thought this reason x or that reason y is causing me to feel this way so i need to address it.

But what happened is that i then thought why in the world would i need so many clearing fields? The aha moment presented itself: i already cleared sufficient stuff to actually also focus on other goals.

So at first, you might indeed need 100% boosters, and then it would gradually shift to a 90-10 , 80-20 , etc, ratio, until you can focus solely on your goals and perhaps almost never requiring any more clearing.


This is exatly what i needed to read atm…

Very well writen, thank you!


Time for an update :smiley:

Today, I am going to extend my instruction from back then with the EXAMPLE of how I organize my DAILY LISTENING STACK stack by topic and requirement.

The main advice from back then, applies also here:
Anything that can be automated via tags, pendants, mandalas, etc., these I don’t have as a file in my audio playlist.

What you will see below in the picture is a part of my current PC desktop.
I had to censor the other half out (regular files) + censor some more with grey boxes (files from other creators).
Also YouTube-only files are not here on my desktop but just stored as a bookmark list in the browser.

On my desktop I use a free software tool called Fences (1.01_fences_public.exe) that allows me to create “desktop frames” where I can put files into.
When I move a frame the files in the frame move with it. This way I can move categories around in on my desktop very easily.
Each frame is named after a certain topic / goal.

I usually start the day by selecting all the files in the Self Love and Manifestation category, then simply press “Enter”, and the VLC player plays them one after another.

The other categories (or single files from them) I use and loop throughout the day as I feel like needed intuitively.

Only the most important of the most important files do make it onto my desktop (with the muscles stuff and some of the looks files being the vanity exception).

The white empty spaces between the frames are usually filled with digital mandalas so that I can look at them additionally whenever I look at my desktop.

PS: The picture is not a stack recommendation – everyone has different needs and goals

That’s it.
If you have a totally different listening setup or organisational approach, please let us know and share your tips too :v:


Wow! (Impressed)

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Help me understand why you didn’t include vibration of divine love vs including the other two as per the original post.

All three together are very powerful if used together or heck even separate but vibration of divine love is one of my favorites just trying to understand your reasonsing as I do see tracks of love spread out thru your suggestions. :relaxed::heart:

Other then that it looks excellent :+1:

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From the vibration series I only use VoT because it has built-in ego-dissolution and all the other stuff regarding the love aspect is covered by other fields, tags, mandalas, NFTs, servitors many many times.

I used to listen to VoDL while sleeping when I first purchased it back then because it was very comforting :relaxed:.

Today I am rather looping “A Taste of Vaikuntha Loka” or “Arcturian Energy Infusion Meditation” or “Alien Intercession” when sleeping :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for taking the time to explain that was just trying to understand your reasoning :heart: I have many avenues of love as well I guess a preference as to which one to engage. I appreciate the time you took to put the above together.


One thing i learnt was that less is more.

Really. Try to cut down to 3 or 4 fields and focus on them.


Just a quick update on the instruction, since we are now in the “NFT Age”:

Obviously, the same rule as with tags and mandalas also applies to NFT fields that come as a mandala/picture and work on you 24/7:

The more functions you can automate by having them as NFTs working on you 24/7, the more free space and time this will free up for your remaining audio listening stack.

Some complex NFTs, like Blueprint of Love for example, that have a ton of subfields, can shorten the daily audio listening stack immensely.



Do you find listening to two stacks at once would lesson the effect? Also should they be two stack about different topics or somewhat close? Like one physical healing and another on emotional healing vs physical healing and wealth. Using your line of thinking, can you listen to 3 stacks at once?