Exporting Venly Market Wallet into Phantom or another wallet. (using keystore files)

Hello, it was brought to my attention some folks may be having issues with exporting their NFTs from the Venly marketplace wallet. So hopefully this guide can help y’all.

  1. Export Keystore from Venly:

  1. Convert Keystore to Private Key: Unfortunately, Phantom does not support direct imports from keystore files. To convert the keystore into a format that Phantom supports (private key), you can use tools. For this i’ve come across an online Tool (do your own research!!!)
  • Go to MyEtherWallet
  • Select Access My Wallet and choose software.

  • Upload the keystore file and enter the password you set when exporting (that password i said not to forget about 3 minutes ago)

  1. Import Private Key into Phantom Wallet:
  • Open your Phantom Wallet.
  • Go to the wallet settings and select Add/Connect Wallet > Import Private Key.
  • Paste the private key you obtained in the previous step.

congratulations you’ve rid yourself of Venly market.


Thank you :pray::pray::pray: @Zen


Worked perfectly!

To anyone who wants to put their Venly wallet into phantom without having to manually transfer all NFTs, this is the way

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Hooray, Zen - it worked!


Glad i could do my part, i haven’t been around much but the forum is great!! ya’ll doing amazing work for the community!