Extracting knowledge

I’ll like to make a thread where we can share the meaning we are extracting on our own. There is NO wrong answer as you are doing something 99% of other people aren’t even aware of. How can a new toddler be wrong for trying something new? At first it might be silly and some even consider it stupid but over time you’ll get better at extracting meaning as you start to look inwards from your own path.

You can’t expect to play the guitar like Voodoo Chile or Jimmy Page or another great guitarist.

I invite you to please share.

Some people can extract the secrets of the universe just by looking at the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper. -

if you think of a symbol and you look at maybe the shape of the number six you can be told what that means but perhaps if you’re bathing in knowledge and awareness in life suddenly you have an understanding that a symbol like six comes up maybe you think of getting caught in a tumor and you come in but you can’t get out or you’re caught in a vortex a circular cyclic existence getting in not getting out.

something like that you.

what meaning can you extract from your own path?

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What happens early on in our life is you’ve shown all these symbols and you’re told what they mean and they don’t tell you completely what they mean of course they tell you what they want you to think they mean
why because what is the true purpose of being before you incarnate?

you are

you would say i am when you do.

you become your being.

what is the purpose of that if you’re not extracting meaning from your path from your experience deriving meaning from it in creating expression, the expression would always be the symbolic

a picture
a touch
a kiss

if you’re only copying what they’ve told you, things mean and replicating what they’ve told you to use them for and how to use them how to speak how to think what means what what you’re supposed to do what the meaning of your life is.

If you allow yourself to be told what the meaning of your life is by something in your objective reality somebody else what is your purpose other than to be a slave?

if you’re not creating and the only way you’re going to create is by extracting meaning from within if you can’t do that what is the point of you being around other than to be a slave acquiring detail this means this I learned what this symbol means , this pagan symbol means this.

did you look it up?
Were you told or did you read what it means?

or did you sit there by a lake and think about life as a whole and
what’s happening and the symbol came up and you’re like
“oh my gosh”
when you extract meaning, it doesn’t
have to be a traumatic thing like oh my
gosh, it can be; oh my god that is the sign of a creative somebody that’s always in their mind like I get
it oh my gosh, and you want to tell the whole world because you’ve just created you’ve extracted meaning from within.


Divine timing


“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.”

  • Confucius

I came across this quote about a month ago. There’s more to it than the words of course. We’re each creating interpretations that include the drawing of our past experiences which form the current self, as well as what/where/who ever else we may be connected with and drawing from.

This is something I have a harder time understanding/empathizing with: I imagine most people don’t really “think” for themselves, and just do what everyone else in their sphere is doing, by imitating, copying, following. And some may even prefer being told what to do/believe.

In particular in the US, I see ease & convenience being highly valued at least subconsciously. With technology that is becoming more instantaneous and requiring less “work” or input from the user. Less of a contribution.

I guess I’m writing in sharing the view of greater awareness. In being more perceptive and conscious of one’s activity and where that energy is being directed. Conscious enough to see the choice, and courageous enough to make one.

The alchemical revision of genius is one of those special fields…

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