Extreme muscle growth videos has increased hair thinning on my head , although I had good results with muscle video .
How can I use this video safely please anyone
I don’t want to go bald
which ones? are you referring to the Forbidden Body Album or just the extreme muscle growth/hgh and test to muscles?
Limit the usage to 1-2 times per day.
Do not use the forbidden body album, DHT, or Test audios as they can cause hair loss. I would stick to Follistatin to muscle and Myostatin if I were you, and HGH. Also try out the automated workout videos, they can be of help
Which one brother ?
Which one of what?
If you are referring to the automated workout audios, use the ones that would fit your situation or ones that you like.
Is there any audio which give strength and gain like this video please brother tell me if you know . I’m patreon too
Yes I know of audios to help you:
Follistatin to Muscle
Plasma charged Mitochondria
Human Growth Hormone
Plasma Light & Infrasound Bioactive Beach
All of these can be found in Patreon and HGH can be found in youtube.
They will give you great results without risk of losing hair
Thank you so much brother
You’re welcome man
Brother myostatin audio has testosterone in it ?
Will it cause hair loss
And there is no video by no . 2 ,3
Brother I was frustrated and my exams are going on ,I can’t even tell you ,how you messages has given me releif may lord give you everything you desire
No need to thank me. I am happy to help out people in need
I hope your exams go well too.
Brother , one thing is there brother which is bothering me , I’m depressed now I don’t know what to do now
My erection is gone to 70 percent after stopping extreme muscle growth , I have to stop it because I was having too much hairfall please help me brother !!
Use Plasma Light & Infrasound Bioactive Beach and Hairloss Version 3
If you have the money, buy Plasma Protocol as it can help too.
Make sure to also use Automated Grounding at the end of your stack.
This should help fix your hair loss.
I have shaved my head and hairfall is not there as I have stopped listening to it , I’m worried about ,
What has happened to my erection it is 70 percent now and I’m worried .
I have no clue as to why this happened.
All I can say is to use the plasma fields. They are extremely strong and will probably cure this problem along with the hair loss that you’ve experienced.
Just be patient and use the plasma audio. The problem will probably be fixed with some time.
This field gives me acne as well. My parents are worried that I’m taking steroids. Damn. Great field tho.
Yes you are bro
When I was using the field daily while working out and swimming in High School no one ever believed me that I’m not actually taking steroids
I was just doing push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups and man I was HUUGE.
I still have some of that muscle but not that much, as soon as I loose unncecesarry weight Im starting using Extreme Muscle Growth again this field is OP
How often would u recommend to listen to it? Currently using it 2x a day but thinking about listening more.