Face wrinkles

I (M19) have some wrinkles on my face already probably due to my usual facial expression which is kind of tensed. What audios would help me? Skin regeneration? Btw I don’t want to use any fat to stem cell audios because I’m trying to gain more weight.
Thanks for your replies. :)


How about fields which help you to stop tensing your facial expression like that in the first place?


And which audios would you suggest for that?


It depends on what’s going on to make you (or our friend) hold their face that way. I’m a face reader and I can tell by looking at your face.

But you don’t need me. You know when you’re pursing your lips, stifling your self-expression and causing little vertical lines around your mouth. Or when you’re furrowing your brow from too much concentration (or worry).

And if you really don’t know, put a piece of Scotch tape on your pair of wrinkles (it’s best to do them in pairs. And do this at home, when you’re alone). When you feel the tape tug, you know you’re making that expression. What are you feeling (and thinking) in that moment? There’s your answer.


I used to have a “big” wrinkle on my forehead even as a teenager.

Collagen and skin regeneration fixed it fast

Edit: seriously, fat to stem face won’t have any significant impact on gaining weight and it’s worth it


:joy: Makeing sure noone does this in the store



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Well I’m looking serious to cope with social anxiety, so the reason is stress. I’m using the social mastery tag so this part is on the path of improvement.

Great. Are you using the Anxiety fields so that you’re less likely to do your stress reaction or so that it’s less strong or shorter in duration?

Are you using fields to heal whatever prompted you to decide to do your stress reaction?

And I don’t use that wording to blame you. That decision then was the best decision that you could have made then, knowing what you knew then. It’s just that there’s a part of you that still think it’s then, hasn’t kept up with your new knowing, so it continues to do your reaction that you no longer want. You’ll want to heal that part of you so that it’s willing to do other reactions. Without that healing, it’s not safe, right or good for that powerful part to give up what it feels is an effective strategy to keep it safe.


I dont use any anxiety fields, is there one I would benefit from and which? I’m only listening to confidence audios like the unbreakable and the knight mindset besides my tag, that at one point I won’t ever feel that anxiety again. For now I have strong mood swings between feeling very confident and the opposite. When I always feel the same confident way I don’t have to cope with social anxiety anymore and my facial expressions should improve automatically. That’s my thought about it. What do you think?

I have the same expression
problem with my lips being too pursed when I am talking and eyes opening to the point where its scary … What should i need to listen

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Welcome to the forum!

As I mentioned to our other forum friend, what’s causing you to do these things? And I’m not criticising or blaming you at all!

When you become aware of why you do these things (and I gave some suggestions in that reply you responded to), then we can make some suggestions for you.

Other thoughts:

  • When might you holding yourself back from speaking your truth? And what’s prompting you to choose to hold yourself back in that way?
  • Where might you be on “high alert” for the earliest signs in your environments? What made (or makes) this a wise strategy for you?

As you get more awareness of why you are doing what you’re doing, we can make suggestions of fields for you!


Hey WellBeing,

I know this reply was for someone else, but it made me think a lot.
Especially in terms of why I can’t seem to stop my wrinkles, what’s causing them?
I do make a lot of facial expressions and I wasn’t sure if it was tick related. My father has a facial tick and blinks in sequences. I realize I probably do this too.
I also have a terribly annoying mouth chewing disorder which I’ve never been able to stop, even when my mouth is bleeding badly. I have never identified the triggers as it’s constant, yet mentally I feel at peace. However, I suffer from episodes of major anxiety which started when I was 12. This also makes me pull my hair out. I think all these things come under Body Focused Repetitive Disorder.
Even though I’m not feeling anxiety just now, I feel by doing these over the years, it’s become a habit.
I think it all goes together. The lines on my face are definitely caused by movement when doing these things.

Thank you for opening my eyes to this! Makes so much sense. I wonder what fields to use in this instance? I have been using trauma release for a while now, as well as vagus nerve, as well as becoming whole (and the point of no return stack)
It’s helped me a lot, tremendously, but the other behaviours remain.

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Two that I have in mind: Anti Aging and Collagen (might help?).
Add Skin Regeneration to the list, so 3 fields.
Anti Aging is supposed to boost collagen as well, if I remember correctly, so perhaps you can drop collagen field, I’m not sure.