FAQ discrepancies regarding the volume

As below, there seems to be two Official FAQ pages and there is a discrepancy regarding the volume of the fields.

My question :
About the volume, one FAQ says -
“It does not have to be at high volume and just needs to be at a volume that you can consciously hear.”

The other FAQ goes -
"Do you need to hear the fields in order for them to work? (for example playing a field on the lowest possible volume in your pocket all day without being able to hear anything). The answer to that is “No. So as long as they are playing and the audio is playing from somewhere around you very close, the energy will be streaming onto your being.”

Which answer is really true? I play my audios on a cheap mini audio player in my chest pocket at the lowest volume, so low I can’t hear. Someone posted a question about playing fields in the same way as mine (without being able to hear anything) and someone answered it is fine, I don’t need to hear anything as long as my body is close to the speaker. On the other hand, I found another post from someone asking whether watching TV while listening to fields is okay. And the answer from someone was that hearing the sound is necessary.

Some of the fields I play are Gumroad ones and are really expensive. It is the only way I have been playing Sapien’s and I’m a bit shocked.

Is it possible to get a confirmation from Dream? Is it Captain Nemo?

Please advise. Thank you.

If it is playing, even at 1% volume, on your chest, it will work.


Thank you for your comment.
Why do you think so?

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It is stated in the FAQ, has been said by Sammy plenty of times. Has been confirmed by most users.

I’ve used them at work without hearing anything. I listen to them while sleeping (there may be volume, but you don’t actually hear while sleeping), with a white noise machine so I actually don’t hear anything.

Some people play them through earbuds (without having them on) while sleeping.

It simply works. The field though (that is the sound in this case) I think needs to be inside your aura when playing at inaudible volume.

The thing about listening to them on TV and all may be simply to make sure. I think as long as the sound is playing, you can hear it (subconsciously) and it would work.

For your mind’s peace, I’d listen to the fields audibly. Once a day would be enough. Then you can loop them without actually hearing them.

Listening to the fields is mostly to soothe the mind that you’re doing something.


I’ve heard @DR_MANHATTAN say he listens in this way ie minimum volume, essentially inaudible, but on the body so to speak, phone or player in pocket kind of thing. He’s in Dreams inner circle, so I’m pretty sure he would have the DL.

Before this I never looped at work because I always thought it had to heard, at least somewhat, in line with the first paragraph you shared. That seemed to be the order of the day 4 or so years ago when I first stumbled into the wormhole 🪱 lol

I actually remember OM saying that’s how to use environmental fields - minimum volume, inaudible and often wondered why it wouldn’t work for non environmental fields, regular fields

So I guess things have changed since then, not the fields, but people’s experience with the fields. I am curious though… has there been a shift in the official thinking from “having to hear something” to “just needing it in the aura” ?


This was already a thing when I found out the forum, I think.

I do prefer to hear them. But I think, if they are audible in complete silence, then they are audible for your subconscious (I worked outdoors so volume wasn’t much of an issue).

Maybe it’s a subconscious effect. So after you’ve heard an audio and gone through the process, and then you go through the same process, it works.

Not too sure about this one…but yeah, I prefer listening to a field plenty of times to the point that it would become an anchor for the process, and then also put it at an actually audible level (in total silence, that won’t be audible in nearly any other environment).

Actually you don’t even need to play them. You can always get a servitor and pocket dimension and that would automate a 20 fields playlist…

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Servitors and mandala don’t make music for you to hear do they ?

You don’t need to keep gazing at NFTs for them to work do you ?

It’s not subliminals, it’s not frequencies or brainwave or whatever these are Morphic fields.

The energy reaches your energy body and it’s working. The sound vibrations need to get in your area so that the energy embedded in them can influence your body and energy body.

The “you need to hear it” thing is a simpler explanation and it works. Requires less explanations.

Also some people think you should meditate and use them consciously to make it better.


Thank you Drift for your comment!
Okay understood. I’ll continue playing at the lowest volume. Thanks!

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Thank you abro for commenting and giving us an opportunity to gain insight into this subject.


OK Thank you Dr Manhattan for clarifying!


I’m surprised your intuition didn’t ping that I know all of this. I’ve been around for a minute. And long enough to see differing perspectives, guidelines & official lines on things.

Let’s keep it collegial, I was just seeking clarity

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Yeah, I remember you, I know you’ve been here for years.

I was answering the thread.

How was I not collegial ?
I didn’t criticize you or anything like that

What did I do to you ?

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I’ll just tell the truth as I see it. I’ve seen you talk down to others at different times and I know that’s your role, and a certain badge of honour for you. No problem each to their own. I did feel you were doing that to me though in that post and I wanted to state my boundary around it. Granted I’m probably a bit more sensitive to it rn with what I’m traveling through, but it’s still my truth. No hard feelings though :relaxed: happy to move forward

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