As below, there seems to be two Official FAQ pages and there is a discrepancy regarding the volume of the fields.
My question :
About the volume, one FAQ says -
“It does not have to be at high volume and just needs to be at a volume that you can consciously hear.”
The other FAQ goes -
"Do you need to hear the fields in order for them to work? (for example playing a field on the lowest possible volume in your pocket all day without being able to hear anything). The answer to that is “No. So as long as they are playing and the audio is playing from somewhere around you very close, the energy will be streaming onto your being.”
Which answer is really true? I play my audios on a cheap mini audio player in my chest pocket at the lowest volume, so low I can’t hear. Someone posted a question about playing fields in the same way as mine (without being able to hear anything) and someone answered it is fine, I don’t need to hear anything as long as my body is close to the speaker. On the other hand, I found another post from someone asking whether watching TV while listening to fields is okay. And the answer from someone was that hearing the sound is necessary.
Some of the fields I play are Gumroad ones and are really expensive. It is the only way I have been playing Sapien’s and I’m a bit shocked.
Is it possible to get a confirmation from Dream? Is it Captain Nemo?
Please advise. Thank you.