Hello everyone, I am making an FAQ video that answers the most frequently asked questions. I have my list already from the FAQ I already have on the site. Also, a number of others that I know will easily come to mind when I make the video.
So, now I’d like to leave the floor open for any questions you’d like answered or that you see asked all the time here in the forum or even youtube comments. Questions like ‘Are you ever going to make a toe size video’ doesn’t count as an FAQ question. More so questions like ‘are headphones or speakers better for fields’ which is… as you all know, the most commonly asked question.
(My answer to that is both are fine. Don’t note too much of a difference personally but speakers do tend to distribute energy around the body more freely and in general, can have less of a negative effect on hearing. That all being said, I always listen on my earphones lol)
Is it better (in terms of effectiveness) to actively engage or is passive listening equally effective ?. for fields like physical fields, BoL, Plasma protocol, Glass skin, neg jing.
by actively engaging , i mean sitting with a straight spine and concentrating on the sound.
1.Do you need to hear the fields in order for them to work? (for example playing a field on the lowest possible volume in ur pocket all day without being able to hear anything)
2. Can you play multiple fields at once with different devices? ( for example SLR field on mobile + another field on ur pc speakers)
would it be possible to have a more detailed explanation on why listening to 2 fields at the same time is not recommended? Let’s say i listen one field from the pc and the other from the phone, i can listen perfectly to both sounds, so no overlap and whatnot, what would be the problem? What i wonder is , how would lets say listening to the face lift audio field while at the same time wearing the cognitive enhancement Tag be ok, but listening to the Brain audio and the facelift audio not be ok? What is the difference? (I have used audio fields at the same time in the past and they worked) but i just would like to have more detailed perspective explanation.
What are the optimal ways to improve / increase energy sensitivity in general and morphic fields in particular?
What are the ideal fields that can optimally meet and advance that energy sensitivity goal?
What are the general guidelines for the number of listens (iterations) per field. How do you know which field to listen to twice and which three (and even more)? Some files last 10+ minutes. For the example of the excellent “Neg Jing”, which lasts 15M. Listening to one like this for 45 minutes (3 iterations) can be quite demanding and stressful. How can you determine and know if twice will suffice for maximum effectiveness?
These questions are already answered within the forum but it should be good to have them in a FAQ too:
“Do fields work better boosted?”
“Do fields work better if you loop it overnight?”
“I don’t feel anything from this field. Does it mean it is not working?”
is there a concept of over-crowdedness in the energy/auric body from extensive usage of fields (like months)? If there is, Is Auric Clearing a good solution to use (say once or twice a month)