FAQ Video Questions

What are the signs that someone is listening to too many fields?

What to do when someone feels overwhelmed?


would it be possible to have a more detailed explanation on why listening to 2 fields at the same time is not recommended? Let’s say i listen one field from the pc and the other from the phone, i can listen perfectly to both sounds, so no overlap and whatnot, what would be the problem? What i wonder is , how would lets say listening to the face lift audio field while at the same time wearing the cognitive enhancement Tag be ok, but listening to the Brain audio and the facelift audio not be ok? What is the difference? (I have used audio fields at the same time in the past and they worked) but i just would like to have more detailed perspective explanation.

  1. What are the optimal ways to improve / increase energy sensitivity in general and morphic fields in particular?

  2. What are the ideal fields that can optimally meet and advance that energy sensitivity goal?

  3. What are the general guidelines for the number of listens (iterations) per field. How do you know which field to listen to twice and which three (and even more)? Some files last 10+ minutes. For the example of the excellent “Neg Jing”, which lasts 15M. Listening to one like this for 45 minutes (3 iterations) can be quite demanding and stressful. How can you determine and know if twice will suffice for maximum effectiveness?


Can you listen to audios while wearing tags?

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Regarding this i see a lot lately:

What is NFT?

Why only a few are sold on NFT?

Will they be available for others to buy in the future?


There is a course for this - read about it here:


is sun tanner permanent?

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These questions are already answered within the forum but it should be good to have them in a FAQ too:

“Do fields work better boosted?”
“Do fields work better if you loop it overnight?”
“I don’t feel anything from this field. Does it mean it is not working?”


This post is not to answer questions lol

Its to gather FAQ for the video :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. Using “Loudness Equalization” (windows sound settings) / equalizer affects the energy?
  2. Wireless vs wired connection
  3. 1 earbud vs 2 earbuds
  4. Speaker set up, mono, stereo, 2.1 5.1 etc

is there a concept of over-crowdedness in the energy/auric body from extensive usage of fields (like months)? If there is, Is Auric Clearing a good solution to use (say once or twice a month)

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If you boost a usb stick with all fields on it, would you boost the fields too ? (mandalas from instagram etc included)

  • Do listening to fields give permanent results? What about wearing tags?
  • Which fields and tags give permanent results?
  • Which fields and tags give temporary results and I need to keep listening and wearing them for upkeep?
  • If I stop listening to fields or wearing tags, will my results reverse?

imo these are very contextual questions, draw your own judgements through the descriptions of the audios etc

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@Eli Please read Sam’s original posting :point_up_2:


mb ^^ I guess

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You guys can answer questions if you want. I will have to answer a few of these as not all will be on the video.

I did want to clarify what @devansh said. Fields like collagen booster, lung antioxidant and many other fields that stimulate/turn on biological processes in the body do fade with time… cause if you permanently had these things boosted/stimulated, you would run into serious problems.

What is permanent is the effect they can have on you over long period of use. Such as a high vibration audio over time raises your vibration to the point you don’t need to listen anymore. Or after a long period of listening to heart audios, your heart feeling far more healthy and looking great after some tests. Or finally feeling good about yourself and being able to laugh after a long period of mental health audios.

These are things that are permanent in you. The only difference in the audios and pendants is that you can wear the pendant all the time which is streaming energy. But the vast majority of audios are best not worn all the time and only listened to 1-3 times a day. The effect compounds on you over time and creates lasting changes in you.

So the gradual effect fading is for safety and also more effectiveness as well (many of these fields would be counterproductive if listened to or worn allllll day).


Do higher quality headphones give you better results


1.Some audios even on volume 1 can be too loud on my smart speaker.If I were to go to audio settings and lower bass,midrange and treble for the same value,it would lower the volume probably,but would it lessen the effect of field?Probably not but still nice to confirm.

2.I had results with hairloss v3 audio,but after I stopped using for 2 months,lets just say those same balding spots have become more prominent.
How long do I have to use it daily in order to keep my results for a lifetime by using it only 2 times a week as maintenance.I am 22 and it isnt drastic,but it is prominent enough for me and people with sharp eyes to notice.Also,genetics are against me in this case.


How does listening a stack 2x overall or going 2x each audio in the stack have an effect.

Eg: Ancient arts album. Which would be better
(Jing×2 >chi×2 >shen×2)

Which configuration of audios is better?

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