Fast Free Easy Way to Clear Aura and Recharge Your Energy Systems

Wow this is kinda off topic, but I was really relishing on the fact that you let me know of the PONR audio that recently came out because I felt like that was something that I exactly needed. I’m the new to the forum so I was a bit overwhelmed where to start and if I truly needed this or that… but I felt so lucky when I read your reply to me today because I could’ve replied to you way before the audio came out and I would’ve missed it until maybe much later (because I’m not on here too much). Whilst reading the PONR forum I saw someone mention rites of passage and I researched and read this forum: Best audio to buy - #8 by LunaMoon2
And reading the part where you channeled the OP’s subconscious mind was super effing cool oh my god. Because I was walking today just excited to get this field and it felt like the synchronicity was perfect… it was like you knew what I needed before I even knew what I needed… insane, that’s absolutely amazing. And now I feel drawn to also get the rites of passage one to help me and my family out financially. I’m super grateful to you, thank you for making my day!


:slight_smile: you are welcome!


What is the exact name of the aura one on gumroad please?

Aura and Energy Body Repair (


Thank you!


Would this work for someone whose body rejects fields? Environmental fields work for me but my body can’t handle them any longer for some reason