Fat to Stem Cell audio?

Has anyone tried the fat to stem cell audio? Does it remove fat from around your bones? Will it help in height growth? Can I listen to it along with height booster? Will it help me lose weight and cellulite around my thigh? What exactly are the benefits?
I’m new here and I have a lot of questions haha. Sorry if I’m getting too excited about this. I really want to grow a few inches taller and also shed a few weight along the way. So I was wondering if I mix the fat to stem cells audio with the height booster then will it help my bones grow a lil bit? Help me out!


I’ve used this audio and it has helped me a lot with physical regeneration, which is the main purpose of the field. As for weight loss I haven’t personally experienced that with the field but it’s certainly a possibility. In my opinion unless you’re growth plates are still open the field won’t help you grow. The fat to stem cells and height booster won’t clash. For information on stem cells- https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/bone-marrow-transplant/in-depth/stem-cells/art-20048117

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Hi @babyoda99! Welcome to the forum.

It converts fat to stem cells mainly from around the organs.

I don’t think it will help with height growth.

Yes, you can.

Not really, it is not meant for weight loss.

It is an extremely good audio for general healing and life extension.
For more information, click here to read interesting comments about it: