Favorite field to loop all day?

I like this method a lot, and yeah, it sounds like it’s a powerful one at that…I’m going to try this out as soon as I can…So when are due back to work?


Lol I went back in for 4-days, and my company got sealed the fifth day. My next turn to go back comes in 3-weeks. Who knows, by then, the lockdown may be over. Frankly, I am looking forward to going back - to gym, to my friends, to not snakcing, to freaking get a haircut haha…


You are definitely right…especially about the last part. I look like an Asian hobo immigrant…lol


My GF has been offering to cut my hear, but with an evil grin, so yeah, that ain’t gonna happen lol


especially since we’re about to get off of this quarantine…lol


No just this one. I’ve found in less than a week it’s reduced my “need” for other audios. Feels like more of a sign of being “complete” where as before I would listen to a lot of different audios and feel slightly incomplete if I didn’t.

If you have the chakra pendant or the v2.0 audios from Gumroad listening to them from base to crown after Vibration of Creation is extremely powerful.


For now, Subconscious limits dissolver, hands down. It would be Superhuman Genius if there were no limit before getting into issues over twice a day. Not a complaint though.


Vibration of Love and Vibration of Creation looped overnight.


Can’t wait for the third part…any ideas?


VoC + VoDL is the combo I’m thinking will be best to loop continuously.

  • VoC all day
  • VoDL all night

I’ve been finding the same with Vibration of Creation. I feel almost no ‘need’ for other audios now. When I do play other audios, there is very little sense of listening due to feeling ‘incomplete’.

I’ve been looping it for most of the day, occasionally interspersed with Atmospheric Vibration Raiser, the Ancient Arts album and a few other audios. I’m keen to try Vibration of Divine Love soon.

The combination with the chakra pendant or v2.0 audios is powerful indeed.



I can’t find VoC and VoDL on Patreon and Youtube.
Do you know where I can find them? Preferably on Patreon for download.

Thank you! :) :blush:

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Hi @Niviya, welcome to the forum!

Vibration of Creation and Vibration of Divine Love are only available through Sapien’s Gumroad at the moment.

There is more information in the discussion threads about them here:

Vibration of Creation:

Vibration of Divine Love:


These are big boys audios. Support the creators with purchasing on Gumroad.


Thank you! I got it, it’ts on loop and felt no change in me at all.
Not even a change in my mood, like someone else here. I also use the limitations dissolver and the other tracks which are recommended if you don’t see results. I should be more patient. :slight_smile:

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No worries, glad to help. See how you go after a week or two. :slightly_smiling_face:


One more little question:
I know in the other thread there was some talk about which tracks can be replaced with VoC. But I’m not so sure about some of the others on this list. Do you know which ones can be replaced? Thank you for your help. :blush:

  1. Energy clearing audio from dreamseeds
  2. Exorcism from dreamseeds
  3. Subconscious limits clearing from Sapienmed
  4. Love, Gratitude and Appreciation from Sapienmed
  5. Extra audios depending on your situation
  • trauma release audio
  • forgiveness and release
  • emotional release

I’m not sure, and it may depend upon your individual experience with the audio, but Vibration of Creation might be able to replace:

  • Energy clearing audio from dreamseeds

It might either help with some of the functions from these audios or be able to replace:

  • Exorcism
  • Trauma Release
  • Forgiveness and Release
  • Emotional Release

Okay, Energy Clearing was over 30 minutes long and VoC is only 21 minutes and it’s an upgrade!
So, Win-Win! :heart_eyes:


These Vibration series of audios are spritual fields. Unlike physical improvement fields, this field takes an ample lot of time to work. It improves your self and being day by day to the higher vibrational states. These states are not easy to attain by a comman man and takes years of meditation, chakra growth and expansion , strong belief and so on. Like a Tibetan monk. This will also help you with your manifestation and ascension, as higher vibrational state naturally helps you with ascension.

It works gradually, probably a year or so. The key is consistent listening. Don’t leave even a day , without listening. You have to be in constant sync with that particular morphic fields.

Also most of Dreamweaver’s best fields are free,in youtube, only few are paid one. Also these Vibration series of fields are the highest priced ever. So this will give you a comparison that how great this field will be for your spritual wellbeing and also manifestation. Just give it more time and it will make its wonders. :blush::blush:

Note: Samuel mentioned it will replace Clear Negative energy and anything related to beingness, so like Higher Self Connection. Also he mentioned that negative energies or entities will not affect you in such state. So it might not help with immediate results as Exorcism field from Dreamseeds, warding of negative energies or entities. But after you have attained a higher vibrational state, you might not need the Exorcism field. It takes time though.