Feedback on my current stack

Every body, receptiveness etc is different

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For sure. This will be a long term project with me slowly incorporating paid fields also as and when I can afford them. Will mainly be working on building resistance right now, even if results are slower. Because this is what will ensure long term results.

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Good luck, you can post on the brain discussion thread too and i hope you get great results :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for your kind words :slight_smile: .

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He never stated he had pboy and if we are being realistic most people won’t stick to it if you don’t get results and 3x ain’t gonna do that

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I have it.

Read above; he explicitly stated he has Plasma brain of Yourh . About the results, I guess he will have to see, the important is he’s starting. He doesn’t need to go all in crazy IMO. But that’s up to him and his goals, level etc. Not everyone is young and healthy either. See circumstances


Oh. Mb only read original message


I wrote my response of his original stack



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