Feedback on my current stack

Hello guys,

After some tough love by @Jojo and some advice from others + a lot of research in the brain corner I have finally made a stack and would love some feedback.

The stack is as follows :
Acetylcholine x 3
superhuman genuis x 4
BNDF x 2
Permanent brain enhancement x3
autism x4
Brain Regeneration x4
Grounding x4

Thanks in advance for any help and guidance :slight_smile:.


You have 3 fields that boost the wiring process but only have one wiring field. I assume this stack should be free fields only?

I can recommend adding Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity & Enhanced Visual Processing.


It looks good :grinning:

Congratulations on your new stack



Yup only free fields for now. My aim is to use it to boost my coding journey so I can start to make money asap and afford the premium fields haha. Can you share where you would place these audios?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: .

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Thank you :slight_smile: .

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You can place them right after Permanent Brain enhancement

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Got it. Thanks a lot :slight_smile: .

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Any replacement for Enhanced Visual Processing? Will Synesthesia/ Alchemical Revision of Genius/ Well of Creativity/ IPF/ Unstoppable Will work? I have these on my audio player.

I also have plasma brain of youth ( a paid field) that I can use instead of any of the other fields.

You can put Alchemical Revision of Genius at the beginning of your stack.

It depends on your goals really… Creativity is good to come up with solutions when it comes to approaching the development of a project when you code for example.

Unstoppable Willpower is useful as well etc…

You can decide with what you replace it with.

Plasma Brain of Youth can replace Brain Regeneration and Grounding, though there are people who still like to use the older brain regeneration field

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Got it. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:. Ill add both of them.

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Increase those listening times if you can you get out what you put in good luck

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Try 30min acetylcholine 30min superhuman genius 1-2hr of the wiring see how you feel if you can go again repeat then autism and brain regeneration


Ok will try this. Thank you :slight_smile: .

You will most likely experience side effects for the first few days but they fade as endurance increases

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And autism. But you can use it if you still feel it’s needed of course, some people say it feels more direct


Thanks everyone for taking out the time to help me. Will keep you guys updated on the results.

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As a side note, if you removed these 3 audio and just put PBOY, You can have more time to add more wiring, which is the most important for long term brain development. Of course the boosters will also help on its own for your coding study etc

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Might be a bit much for a newbie but if you dare you can try and gauge. Also again, no need for brain regeneration and autism here just PBOY. Unless u feel autism one is needed standalone, you’ll have to compare

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Fair enough but I feel like Initially I will need as much recovery as possible until I can handle hardcore wiring.

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exactly, u have to build up to it, so first gauge your levels, if you’re already freaking out at 30 minutes play some PBOY, wait for your system to calm down and then back again see how much u can handle