Field for highest level of social skills

Which field or NFT could give this social effect?

  • Prestige and Grandeur?
  • Pure Influence?

self love stack
charisma potion
golden glow
blarney stone
merry maker
pure influence
become whole
throat chakra
social mastery tag
social bonder
new persepctives
ego diss

Yes i love social skills fields lol


Lol I was expecting only one but why not!

I will read about those

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Go to the gym, have vibrant skin and eyes, present your self in an appealing way, nice hair style something trendy and just be confident walk straight up, head up and smile at everyone.


I agree sometimes you just need a little something like those to get you going and because you actually know how to connect deeply or quickly break report, but sometimes you need actual skills.

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One more thing to consider is that,
I think first you gotta actually be interested in the other person. No game or anything. Real, authentic, genuine interest.

I’d say that can be unlocked with:


You know, one can be very absorbed in their own world. From there it’s not easy to open up and feel curiosity for others.

On top of that, what always can help is a sense of humour and a great attitude. In other words: having fun. I think this can be achieved via:



I think these are honestly foundational fields in life. To make life beautiful.

And I think this sets the foundation for social interactions and thus social skills.

Everything becomes easier with a solid foundation


knowing yourself is important for connecting with others (for introverted people this is the case but if you are more extraverted this might be less important to you). a good tip is to truly listen to what people are saying. some people get bogged down in the details like eye contact and stuff, they are important but tend to come naturally when you can truly pay attention to what they are communicating and how they are communicating. then you can reply like you mean, which shows you are interested in the conversation. simple tip