The Interconnection Of Everything (Self Realization Series Pt 1.)

The Interconnection Of Everything

The energetic transmission of this audio field works on making you see and experience the deeper connection of everything. This also allows you to learn and grow more from other people, via observation rather than the hard way of experiencing it directly.

The truth is that you are already interconnected with everything but your ego is what makes you identify with being separate or wanting to be apart. Interconnection with everything is realizing that everybody is part of something bigger and that the small things you do can affect everyone around you. That even one act of kindness or love can reverb in celebration throughout entire universes.

Everyone that you know, that you meet are part of a greater whole and in essence a part of you. Going through life conscious of this realization will put things in greater perspective. You would become less selfish and more in tune with the world. You would learn and grow through other people’s experiences and and enrich your life in the process. Life would become much more profound as you would more often see the deeper meaning and connection in all things. Realizing that you are connected to everything is one of the most vital realizations on the path to enlightenment.

Our new self realization series is a means by which people can begin to understand things in a much larger perspective and lay a very solid groundwork or base state of being able to accept any larger form of complete enlightenment. Either way it helps you to unfold as a better person, more complete spiritual person and universal being. You can see this series as
as different paint removers that peel off bits of the heavy paint of the false self created by ego.
And in this case, this audio field peels of the illusion that you are seperate from the universe when the truth is that you connected to all of it.

Repeated use of this audio will awaken the realization of the connection of all things. The fact you are a piece of the grander puzzle. These are one of the grand realizations reached through enlightenment. Part 1 of our self realization series.

The Interconnection Of Everything (Self Realization Series Pt 1.)
The True Self of Others: Divine Spark (Self Realization Series Pt 2.)
Timelessness (Self Realization Series Pt 3.)
Mindfulness (Self Realization Series Pt.4)


Ahh I love this series.
Thanks for making the topic @Zen :blush:


Bout to throw on my True Self and Interconnection tag. Thanks for the reminder of this gem.


Lay under a tree and look at it, while you have this in the background.


Holy shit, thank you for posting this, am giving this a listen and it nice, thats all i can say for now. Big things are coming i hope.

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Wonder what happens when i pair it too Spiritual Growth States of Being?

We will find out


Here is a full playlist i made to use for autoplaying


can i listen to this with the amygdala healing and confidence fields?
