Field reccomendation

I recently found out that I’m having a bit acidic blood.
The blood work result came back as anion gap a bit high, which mean blood is a bit acidic
It might be because of the supplement I started taking a while ago. You may say I should stop taking it, but it is working great for me, so I prefer to continue

Is there any field that should help lower the acidity in the blood?
I thought of lymphatic effusion, would this help?
Anything else that should help?

Thank you

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Hello candy :slightly_smiling_face:

Imagine consuming something that oxidizes the blood and using a field that restores Ph.

It’s like smoking and using the field to restore your lungs.

I would suggest you include non-carbonated mineral water in your daily diet - with a PH of 8.5 or higher.

I use on a daily basis a special alkalizer that also affects ORP (Redox Potential).

I don’t know if such devices are sold in your area, you can have a look - the household format is not expensive
also, your diet should be dominated by alkaline vegetables :slightly_smiling_face:

You can saturate mineral water with healing energies


Thank you for your suggestion
I don’t know what is causing high acidic blood, it might be supplement but not definite about the cause.
I understand your point, but the supplement has helped me and I can feel the difference, so I don’t want to discontinue, though I may decrease a bit to test out if blood work result shows difference.



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