Field_Schumann _ Resonance _Teespring

When will this field go on sale in Teespring?
I want to purchase


Why are you interested in this field ?! What are the benefits of using it and how will you use it ?!

The Schumann field set will help to induce an alpha brainwave state and vibrates your energy body totally (whole system along with individual chakras). The feeling is sort of like a vibrating from deep inside pushing and radiating outwards.

One particular effect we have noticed with this is that it help make out of body experiences/astral travelling easier.

Of course with this effect, individual results will vary.

It also seem to help accelerate healing while pushing out negative energies. After a 30min to 60min use, there is a very refreshed rejuvenated feeling along with a super boost to your immune system.

This should also help you with grounding and protection from EMF radiation, stress reduction and maintaining emotional stability.


At one time, something was used from another manufacturer by the resonance of Schumann. It gave me: a shift in the assembly point, a state of neutrality, it’s easier to resonate with people, especially girls, it’s easier to tune in to its frequency, as if to become one with it, and already from this state get its own benefits, for example, sex. This condition contributes to mild mental seduction.

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One advantage that might interest me is the frequency tuning in a conscious way. Thank you for these explanations…:+1: