Field that can clear oil smoke from deep fryer at work

Hello i may get a job working in the deep fried section in a kitchen. Well, it’s very different from working in the office, but this is what i can find for now.

The first day i “tested-trail” there, i had been inhaling deep fried smoke for almost 4 hours straight before having a break…

I felt so tired after work due to the compact kitchen and constant smoke irritation.

Does anyone know what field is the best for this situation? I used ‘Lung Antioxidant Field (Inflammation Help)’ but still felt clogged up. Then i felt much better until i ran at a park at this early morning, as i can feel i am inhaling clean air.

Thank you

Negative ion generator(audio or mandala)

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Fields can help but the ideal response is to keep looking for a place that won’t harm you. Day 1 and you’re having trouble, I’d be concerned what weeks and months would do.

Air Revitalizer (YT)
Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach (Patreon n YT)
Lung Restoration and Strengthening (Patreon n YT)
Sinus, Throat and Upper Respiratory Help (Patreon n YT)
Resilience (Patreon n YT) - be careful with choosing resilience. You don’t want to push forward and stay there longer than necessary. I’m feeling resilience for the meanwhile.

Maybe a portal field

Thanks @Alex @flutterfly @Replay

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Let me know if a portal does any good. Just throwing things at the wall with that one.

I’ve edited my comment with the titles