Fields 4 living with grump

Shielding tag is PERFECT for this . People that want to get a reaction out of you notice it’s not gonna happen and even change their behavior. I feel like it doesnt just protect me , it also does something to the other person like some part of them is :" I can’t get to him so I might as well be friendly " people are so funny :joy:

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Thank you! Cos I DO well I don’t have the tag but I did buy the audio of the empath shielding

Perhaps try the new Plasma Light field and the playlist below as well.

There is also a free Empathic Shielding Sapien mandala on the forum here.


The shielding tag is way more powerful imo !

What if I’m that guy? DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!!


Btw, forgive me if I’m being thick, but how come you’re still with a flatmate when it’s tier 4 now? Can you not go to your parents’ house?

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Because I live in another country from my parents. Yes I live in the UK but I originate from a different country. I WISH I had somewhere else to go to to hang out sometimes.


Ahhhh right, I’m sorry to hear that. Is your boyfriend from another country as well? Perhaps you could go to his parents’ house (if he’s from the UK).

You’re so thoughtful. Helping your enemy :joy:

I don’t sadly have a boyfriend it’s just a casual thing which is why I think I’m going to end things today. I want more than that I want a relationship & I have for a while he knows this but he’s too in love with an ex and I’ve had enough of this I deserve to be with someone who is in love with ME. Don’t know if when I’ll ever find that again but anyway. :woman_shrugging:t2: Unfortunately he doesn’t really have a private place of his own either. Otherwise I WOULD hang out there.



I sincerely hope you find someone with whom you can have a long term relationship with (that person being from the UK doesn’t hurt either haha).

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If it’s tier 4, aren’t you supposed to stay put / ride it out where you are and most importantly not mix with other households (his parent)?

Also, Athena, it does read like he is/was into you :slight_smile:
I would say just avoid him yourself as well, maybe have a straightforward conversation when you tell him you’d like to be on good terms, but you’re not interested in more.
Some guys say okay to this and keep hoping… so I think it’s better to have clear boundaries and limit interaction if you feel unwanted romantic attention. even if you feel like you come across as a bit rude, it’s mostly just conditioning.
I had someone basically follow me home (getting on my train, getting off at my stop) even after I told him he is not welcome to and he should go home to his place… and refused to let him sit next to me on the train… so I would say never underestimate how dense some people are / how much they are willing to live in their had rather than reality.

And the fields have been suggested already, there is also atmospheric vibration raiser, the sapien med desktop app (or from browser) that you can put on in the common area when you’re there… you can play angelic intercession and ask for help with this situation.
I guess the best would be if he could let go, so I’d say a gentle approach like that is preferable to lion, but it’s up to you and how you feel.


Thank you so much

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Well, I consider my parents to be the same household as me lol. But I suppose that can vary depending on how independent (?) you are, if that makes sense.

I second this. There’s no point in even being friends with him in this case. Best to cut off all contact with him and it doesn’t look like she even needs him for anything. Being friends with someone you’re attracted to is very difficult and can only work if you promise yourself not to pursue them/get jealous if they get into other relationships. This guy definitely doesn’t seem to be that type.

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