Fields for toddler tantrums

Would appreciate any fields that could help with toddler tantrums. Specifically one that could immediately calm him down. Thanks.


Oh, totally understand

I would try essence of faith and prayer


Everything Love related

The Angel audios

Vibration raiser


I feel your pain. My little girl is finding everything very hard at the moment, nothing can be right for her and she throws crazy tantrums over the smallest things. Shoes are wrong, socks are wrong, food is wrongs, bedtime book is wrong, everything is just wrong :sob:

The best way I try to deal with the tantrums is try and take her mind off of it straight away as quickly as possible when it starts. Dance around the room, act shocked and run away and then call her and say “quick quick look what ive found” and jump out and scare her and give a few tickles usually does the trick. Play their favourite songs, anything that will get them to flick the crazy tantrum switch as quickly as it starts is my usual go to trick. When it doesn’t work then the good ol “i hope you know Santa is watching” usually helps :joy:

Along with the others mentioned above I think Memories of Joy field and Divine Love would be good ones I feel.
Clear All Negative Energy & Entity Removal field and Emotional Release should help also.

I wish you well on your quest for peace :pray:t3:


Thank you guys so much…you’ve been helpful and I’m adding one track at a time for my son. Unlike the usual 2-3 plays, I feel sometimes just 1 round does the job. I do have some results to share. So let that be the next post so I can specially reply to the person who suggested the track. I really appreciate the time taken by you all to help this desperate mother! I feel so blessed being here. Thank you :pray:t3:


Thank you for suggesting “the archetype of parental love”

Now I don’t know what to say except today has been a better than what I call a “usual” day filled with a tantrum that would last an hour or more. Although I realize there are several issues we need to work with, the one that took the most priority was controlling tantrums so that we can work on other issues. I mean if he’s having a tantrum where he doesn’t want to listen….no message gets through to him.

Part of my journey as a parent has been figuring out what area needs work first. Anyways…fast forward to the first post in this thread when I made the first post literally begging for anything that would help with his tantrums. Given the clingy, aspect that came with the tantrums I realized he was feeling insecure and played the “archetype of parental Love” track 2x yesterday. And today like magic there was very minimal tantrum. He was in a better mood, jovial, albeit a little cranky at times which I feel will improve the more I keep playing the track. Today was such a good day compared to yesterday! (Knock on wood) I just hope it keeps getting better. I have more issues indeed, but I am sure I’ll find a remedy here. I’m hooked to Sapien medicine audios…it’s unlike anything I have come across in life.

Hope this post helps newbies - it really works guys. Rather than playing a track during tantrum, it’s good to play as a preventative measure. I’m also about to explore the other tracks suggested here and update.


I am going to try this tomorrow for my toddler. Interestingly I was just listening to it myself at night and thinking about how much I love him, and he suddenly woke up and called for me, then went back to sleep.


Please do and update! Yeah I’ve been listening to the track alongside him; I think it’s not only helping him, but also me to become a better parent. I find myself being more patient and less reactive or frustrated. Just gotta keep playing it everyday.

I’ve also added the following ones for speech improvement given he does have speech delay which can be linked to tantrums as well:

Blarney Stone
Throat and chords
Throat chakra

I just started these today, so I’ll update on these as well. not using any brain audios yet.

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Perhaps one of the angelic vibrations/intercessions?

And apologize, but I’m laughing so hard at this topic name in context of recent events which I won’t go further into details about. Don’t ask, just let me humor myself.

Edit: Also, if you have Plasma flower, I’d definitely recommend that for environmental peace for yourself and the little one

I used it during bedtime routine as well as morning routine. While bedtime was still like pro wrestling, he had an easier time going down without making lots of requests to leave the room and find the other parent. Then he slept really well!

I also noticed he had an easier time during the day transitioning between things and leaving his screentime.

Previously I was just using the “utter relaxation” during bedtime but it didn’t seem to make him that relaxed, or maybe his relaxed state is just baseline pro wrestling.

Essence of mantras!