Fields I can use to cure PCOS?

I wish there was a PCOS specific field made, I’m looking to not only balance my hormones but remove the cysts for good. Thanks.

I’m no expert, but maybe:

Womanly Woman

Same here, no expert:

  • Birth control pills containing estrogen and progestin can help control PCOS symptoms by suppressing follicle development and regulating the uterine lining.
    (there are fields supporting this like an Estrogen field and Progesterone)
  • A single injection of 200mg of progesterone was found to shorten the lifespan of ovarian follicular cysts and in some cases lead to ovulation of a new follicle.

Yeah but BC is awful :upside_down_face:

I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice-

I have been thinking about this topic lately. Some suggest that PCOS’s root (and a few other hormonal imbalances) could be in high insulin activity. Not necessarily high blood sugar, because at that point your cells just aren’t really listening to the insulin anymore as it screams at you, blue in the face.

With hormones it’s a chain reaction and many of them are connected and dependent on one another for proper function. That’s why when there’s an imbalance it can be a real bitch, for lack of a better term.

So I don’t have a ton of fields to suggest, I mean there are the endocrine geared ones and the pancreas geared ones for sure, but mostly one could explore the reason for possible high insulin-

Could be genetics some of us have a more exaggerated and dramatic response to what we’re eating. Could also be diet. And improper sleeping. And perhaps, eating and then sleeping-

Examine whether you could lower white carbs, excess fats- if maybe that would help. Maybe you could add lemon, or arugula- bitter herbs that could help your liver filter out the excess hormones. Try not to exercise rigorously. Low impact, walking would be good.

Cure is a really strong word for something like PCOS. But doing these things could help potentially.