Fields or advice on regret

I have regret from not starting to take better care of my health until now.
And i wish i had found this forum and become a patreon a long time ago so i could have improved sooner.
It is an emotion right, but i dont know if emotional release is the right one for this…
So i was wondering about what i can do about that.

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(Did you forget to finish your thread title?)

Regret is an emotion, that’s right.

And since you’re regretting what you did (or didn’t do) in the past, the various Past fields could help you with this.

That could be of benefit. Give it a shot and report back to us!

Usually behind regret is some sort of judgement. So, the Self-Love and the Higher Self fields would be helpful there, too.


ok, will try those fields, im a regular know on this forum so maybe i should pay a bit more attention to my titles :sweat_smile:

I like writing fast and on intuition when im posting in here :sweat_smile: sometimes i just write what comes to mind…

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Mostly these type of fields, plus Point Of No Return (listen to this free stack or paid field first), if you want to speed up the healing.

Bluepriiiiiint of liiifeeeee
It instantly reorders everything

Because regret is technically nostalgia to an old memory - a remnant of the past (not a remnant of Rome George :smiley:@RemnantofRome.George ).

You will feel reinvigorated and focused on the here and now to take charge and responsibility for yourself.

When I find myself walking down memory lane and regretting stuff, I play this and feel better


I would also like to recommend blueprint of the past. Really good for that kind of feeling.


Forgive yourself: