Fields that make you “seen” : How do you navigate split second offers and opportunities?

My wealth playlist is bringing me some interesting opportunities in unexpected ways.

  1. A week ago or so, I was ultimately hand given a job offer from a passenger which I fumbled and afterwards I decided I would jump on the opportunities that came my way. I was very upset about dropping the ball on something that seemed legit. It was unexpected and while I was fit for the opportunity, I wasn’t prepared to take action and grab it.
  1. Yesterday a kind guy asked if he could sit with me while I listened to the live music. We chatted about spirituality, ourselves, the environment. He invited me to grab a bite on him and we continued our conversation. His friend joined us for a bit before they left. A very wholesome experience which led me to feel safe and sound. I came to this town on a whim this weekend and didn’t plan a place to stay overnight. I would figure that out later. He offered the spare room which I didn’t take but probably would have been alright to take, he was quite a safe person. I didnt want to create expectation.

I got off the phone with my father right before the 3rd experience below where we discussed point 1. He insisted I wake up and take initiative on finding this company and taking opportunities that come my way. Agreed.

  1. Just now, a very rich and famous man ™ known in the entertainment industry just swooped over and started a conversation and asked to take me shopping and pay me the amount of money I would have made working so I wouldn’t feel like I was missing out on work. When I said no thank you, he sat down and gave me a very eloquent message on meeting the right people and taking opportunities when they arise or else you never see the person again.
    He said he wanted to treat me because of beauty and I’m his type. He said if I’m doing rideshare then I’m hurting for money and he wants to help me out. He stayed for about 20 minutes to try to persuade me to come with him and let him spend money on me.

I am not one to jump on opportunities based on looks, fame and money. I was immediately dissuaded by his offer. He was offended. His words, he never stops to offer this to women but he sees me and I deserve that and—did I have trauma with men because why wasn’t I accepting his offer?? TLDR: of course but the offer appeared loaded.

Now… I guess I really am starting to be seen. I guess this means offers of all kinds are coming in. But how do I make sure I am receiving safe opportunities and taking the right ones? and not passing up something that is truly right for me? I’m new to this opportunity-receiving business.

Each of these have come with the pressure of acting now and quickly, and my intuitive sense seems to be turned off in these moments leaving me to make a decision on the fly, with fear of being misled in tow!

I need help! I’m not used to making split second decisions where “it’s now or never” and other people are involved. On my own, it’s easy. Being pressured by others immediately makes me feel it’s disingenuous.

Some, like the first and second offers, are clearly sincere. Who knows, I’ll play with the possibility, maybe even the third one was sincere too, but based on the circumstances it appeared low level.

Regarding sound opportunities, I have a concern over the pressure of making a quick choice and the fear of being put in a bad situation. But I want to act upon good things for me. What do I do in these moments? :woozy_face:


I’d say learn to trust your gut more. There must be plenty of tools around to help with that. And the “gut” needs to be educated too.

I’d read the book “The Gift of Fear” with the aim of getting in touch with and trusting your own senses. Once you know that you can reliably tell when you are getting a tinge of fear and when to trust that sense, then I think you will be ready to navigate which opportunities to take and which to leave.

The idea is that a feeling of fear can be based on accurate details that are entering your mind through your five senses but which you have not had the time or awareness to sort through yet. But you can learn when to trust that fear even before the rest of your awareness has caught up.

That should give you a solid baseline but I don’t believe anyone is ever immune to deception. Incorporate practices that guard you even after you have made your best decision. Have important details like your location, time and who you are with texted to someone(s) you can trust to check up on you and follow through if you don’t respond within a given time. Follow through meaning, come look for you or call the cops if necessary etc.

edit to add:
You could even say, sure let’s go shopping but first let me send a selfie of us together to my dad and to my best friend. They might find it a little strange but it shouldn’t run them off if they’re really into you. If it runs them off, you might be glad that it did because they had some plans for you which entailed your close friends and family not knowing what their face looks like.


This is such a great reply, including your edit. thank you. I think the idea to take a photo is a good one that will tell me a lot about their intentions. I’m also pulling up this book right now. I think because I have dealt with some chaotic men and experienced trauma, it is leading to confusion over what to trust. Getting in the way of what’s real and what’s not. Thanks Atreides, :sleepy: you’ve given me a clear step forward.


You’re welcome. Some guys might not want to physically hurt you but might just want to take advantage of you. I’m sure there are plenty of guys who would commit to you for real. But some would just use you. Just something to be aware of. You probably already are. But you have to think, if they are rich or famous meaning they have a lot of options, chances are higher they are in the looking-to-use category. It’s good to be aware and not puzzled after the fact.


Take this as a job interview and you’re the interviewer. Grill them with questions. Everything will be revealed before your eyes. Shadowy mofos melt when questioned. Direct questions are even better. Most mofos can’t answer “what do you want?”.

And trust me, this isn’t dependent on social skills. A good guy could be unable to answer but you’d see him struggle. A shadowy mofo will be terrified or angry cause he can’t play his game anymore.

A simple script like “Dear Subconscious Mind, from now on, you will notice and alert me to
all unlimited/infinite luck/wealth/career progress opportunities in a way that I understand and will automatically act on them”, could help too.

But in simple terms, you have to turn on your RAS (reticular activating system) to scan for opportunities. As for acting on them, we have plenty of fields for attitude, strength, will, ambition, etc. SLR is a good one.

And anything that gives you “more than enough” energy. To go past our limits, we need extra energy. Eventually you wire it in and don’t need extra energy. But feeling powerful at first helps.

I need this though, cause I don’t attract sht…my latest realization and hope is using all love fields xD


I love this. I think this is a great approach… I will be direct with a question and then just shut up and let them answer.

A good guy could be unable to answer but you’d see him struggle. A shadowy mofo will be terrified or angry cause he can’t play his game anymore.

This is helpful. Man there really is an art to understanding shadowy types, isn’t there.

A simple script like “Dear Subconscious Mind, from now on, you will notice and alert me to
all unlimited/infinite luck/wealth/career progress opportunities in a way that I understand and will automatically act on them”, could help too
But in simple terms, you have to turn on your RAS (reticular activating system) to scan for opportunities. As for acting on them, we have plenty of fields for attitude, strength, will, ambition, etc. SLR is a good one.

And anything that gives you “more than enough” energy. To go past our limits, we need extra energy. Eventually you wire it in and don’t need extra energy. But feeling powerful at first helps.

Thank you. Yours and Atreides’ comments are extremely helpful for me. Looking forward to fine tuning this, clearing out the muck getting me funky experiences and getting further results that are beneficial!

Let me know if you want to check out the playlist!

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You’re absolutely right.

I’ve had some time to process and I’ve remembered that even the shadow can access those buzz words that align with what we’re searching for… and they use it as bait.

I’m thankful. Thanks for providing me direction on this. :heartpulse:


Glad too. Sorry I had to delve into the pessimistic to do it but, to your blessed future.


@anon64419202, you may want to share your playlist too.
sounds like an interesting sequence of events unfolding.


I would call it Realistic. And, it’s important to have clarity on these things! :angel:t5:

Thank you :relieved:

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it’s definitely producing results. I’m thinking old crud to be removed is bringing the strange parts in.