Fields to protect myself from harassment?

Trigger warning: harassment, sexual

Which fields help in protecting oneself from sexual harassment and the like? I recently experienced grooming. It was traumatic and I never want to go through that again. I got some help from family friends so don’t worry. Can you recommend fields that can protect from such creeps?


This is super useful :sunny:

and have features that gonna help you in a variety of situations! :surfing_woman:

For example : One of his most OP features. :grin:

People looking for a victim with ill intentions gonna feel FEAR . :sunglasses: :shield: :ghost:

Bad intentions buddy? get prepared buddy.

Spider Sense and Aura of Fear. :eye: :ghost:

Very nice and useful to you.

edit :


Unfortunately, I am an expert on this at this point.

I’m a black man who lives 30 minutes from an active chapter of the KKK who throws parades with permits they obtain from the police.

I’ve been able to avoid danger all year due to a variety of things.

First of all, I fully agree with @AkiraTheWild above. Get that psychic mental shielding tag, its extremely useful and free. I have the shielding 2.0 tag which is an upgraded version of that tag, but the free version is still incredibly effective. Before I obtained my paid version, I used that and it was extremely helpful.

Another free tool that would help is Michael’s Sword. Description:

May his sword be ever present to guide and protect in times of need.

I use many items and fields, so I can’t say directly what this does as its effects would be mixed with that of others. I do know intuitively that its protection will help you in this situation.

The other tools I use are Armor of Light and Glory, which encases one in an armor of energy and also sends fear back to people who try to intimidate you.

I also use the black tourmaline shield from Sapien which converts negative energy to positive and also deflects fear back to whoever throws it to you.

I have one recommendation from another creator that is also free. It is called “Vasion” from Sigh Energy.

The description is as follows:

This file is programmed to ward off bullies, malicious people and others who try to intimidate or physically threaten you.

also creates a kind of invisibility in the line of malicious people so that they do not notice you, also feel in your aura a strong energy telling them not to harm you, causing them to give up and then walk away.

Another is Multi-Dimensional Shield from Programmed_Intention. It provides support on all realms and the description goes further into what it does.

Read this amazing review from someone who used it. I have encountered similar situations while using this as well.

Something interesting happened today and I was wondering if it could have something to do with this energetic mandala? I purchased the extra strong version on gumroad about a week ago and use it as a wallpaper on my tablet, as well as my phone. I got a call today from my mom saying that she normally goes to shop at a certain time of the day, but something kept getting in the way of her going outside and she even said that she felt like something told her not to go outside. A few minutes later, she saw 4 strangers running into the yard. She immediately contacted the neighbourhood watch and they sent someone out to check. Turns out that about 45 inmates escaped from the small jail nearby and they were hiding in everyone’s yards in the neighborhood. Luckily no one got attacked, and my mom is safe.

My personal stack is to use Vasion once or twice a day, along with Armor of Light and Glory for an intimidation factor. I play multidimensional shield at least once a day as well. I also carry around combat aid (which has intimidation built in) and shielding 2.0 tags.

I don’t even get a single stare from the people who wish to harass me anymore. They are repelled from my energy and the more they try to attack me, the more energy goes back to them.

I hope this helps.

If there is an item that you need that you can not afford, please reach out and I will do my best to purchase it for you as a gift.

No one deserves to go through what you did and I’ll do my best to provide additional protection if needed. Just request it.


This is a blessing. thank you. :heartpulse: i should follow the instructions to make it?
also yes, i haven’t reached that part yet… just started episode 3. :blush:
Thank you for lightening the mood.


always! yes

follow the instructions Cath!

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :octopus: :tophat:


Have you asked yourself why you have manifested the experience of being harassed?

Is there an underlying topic deep in the subconscious mind behind that, that needs to be solved? There are many possible topics here…

Have you unintentionally acquired a belief “that there is sexual harassment everywhere and the world is unsafe” by feeding your subcoscious mind with too many horror stories from the news?

You can use fields to protect yourself in the short-term. But in the long term I would recommend to find the underlying issue and solve it, so that you make sure that this unconscious issues does not start to express itself as a different “symptom” in some other area of your life.

My experience is that when I am fearless and full of loving intentions walking the streets, there is never any potential for conflict or harassment. You need to know deep down that you are safe at all times. Archetype of Parental Love, Amygdala Healing and Outlook Retrainer are the key fields here.


Thank you, for such a lovely and detailed reply. I’m really sorry to know that you’ve faced such threatening situations too. I’m glad you found ways to protect yourself. Hope you remain safe. We all are meant for better things than the toxicity we faced. Your experiences with these combination of fields is really interesting to hear. I really didn’t have an idea of where to start. I have Shatachandi Yagna and I looped it when all this happened. I was scared of victim shaming. Happens a lot in my country but Maa Chandi helped me in keeping me protected and getting support. I’ve opened links to all field recommendations you made except Black Tourmaline and Armor of Light and Glory. I don’t have the money saved up for it yet. after reading the descriptions i think the latter is more useful for me. Hoping to add it when the money comes in from a claim i’m supposed to get. Thank you so much for your generous offer though. Your kindness and empathy is really appreciated. :blush: I am so grateful to have this community filled with purity to come back to when bad things happen in the real world. It’s a reminder of all the good left on this earth.


It sounds too good to be true… the tag i mean :heart_eyes: I’m confused about what’s the mandala though. From what i understand, it’s the picture isn’t it? I need to take a printout of it and place the object i want on it and say Contego?

@JAAJ Consciously no one wants such things to happen to them. Believe me I’ve been listening to SLR, Archetype of Parental Love, Amygdala Healing from at least 8 months. Outlook Retrainer on and off… sometimes it’s just the perpetrator’s fault. I recently took the help of a family friend to confide to and unburden myself. She’s the embodiment of what you described, loving and fearless. Yet she tells me even she has faced such things and at a greater degree than me. Sometimes it’s just not our fault, these things can happen to anybody. Not saying that subconscious issues don’t exist at all whatsoever. But even if we are completely acting from pure intentions a small percent will be evil. Thanks though.


I see what you are saying.

The “evil” will always be there in the physical universe. But it does not need to be part of your personal reality bubble.

There are other ways by the way how negative stuff can sometime happen even with the most pure and clean minded people – e.g. when their Higher Self has a longterm plan of achieving something by collecting that particular experience.

There are many many options, but the best way to protect oneself from the matrix game’s random BS is to do one’s best to not manifest it in the first place…


Surprisingly attract love helped me with that once… I was on my way to the hair salon that is just a few meters from the main street where I was, and there was that huuuge group of weird men just weirdly starring… not really doing anything but they were a lot and it was super uncomfortable… I had Attract love next on my playlist and I honestly hesitated a bit. And kinda wanted to skip it.

A few moments into it all these men suddenly just looked away and never bothered. The whole street for some reason had their eyes on me and whatever looks were there just vanished in such a short time!

(And I had my shielding tag on then)

Then a guy who seemed genuine just passed by me, looked at me and smiled… and that was it.

Luckily my uber made it on time. But the few minutes of uncomfortableness left the scene as soon as I had this “only Love” aura around me.


Faes are a nice companion and a fierce protector too… also see if you can get armor of light and glory and have a couple shielding rings or accessories on, that’s what I do.

And I don’t want you to feel as though people can invalidate your feelings about it, we all know what women go through daily on the streets, anywhere in the world, specially if you live in a main or crowded city… honestly it’s the same anywhere

Just some people have different expression of the same opinion … ( eyes on you @JAAJ:smirk:) It’s frustrating to hear, but then again… it’s almost always likely the same opinion just from a different shadow.

Be safe cathroulette. :heart:


Hi hi :grin:

there is a seal with the word CONTEGO below :hushed:

put your “object” the one you choose to create the shield and then… :eyes:

say CONTEGO! :woman_mage:

then wait 3 hours :face_with_monocle:

then wear it :nail_care: :ring:




@JAAJ at the end of the day this member of our forum posted asking for help from a troubling situation. Hearing at all that she was the one who manifested it is quite a devastating take as she tries to process the experience.

Have some compassion, at least.

Many of us here in this thread are posting recommendations for Sapien’s fields.

Do you think that Sapien with all of his expertise would release items that scare people away or allow you to fight them if that wasn’t a serious concern?

Read the description of combat aid:

No one ever wants to end up in a life or death struggle, casting desperately around for anything, any tool, any old bit of information, any bit of personal strength that can be dredged up from the depth of their being to survive…
Unfortunately, as the world shifts and changes, some of us may have less choice in the matter if we wish to survive.

So Sapien himself is saying that no one ever wants to fight, but it can happen. He is also saying, as many users in this thread are, that theres an active probability in the universe for danger to happen, regardless of your intent and positive mindset.

Here’s another one from Shielding and Protection:

As the world becomes more uncertain over time, it will pay to give some extra thought towards keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. This Item may be able to help in that.

Sapien himself is validating that the world is uncertain.

I don’t see any “manifest safety” fields from any creator. Its simply because every creator understands that the world is random.

So unless you’re telling us that you’re more powerful and knowledgeable than Dream himself I would discontinue your thread of conversation. He wouldn’t create things that allow us to remain safe if there was a better alternative.


Hey, but have you read what I wrote?

Those fields are there to protect you from your own manifestations today, in the here and now and in the short-term.
They can also protect you from a certain amount of matrix randomness.

In the long-term one should work on cleaning out one’s own belief system and manifest a safe life 24/7 so that you don’t have to counter and protect yourself with fields all the time.


Hi @Cathroulette, I am sorry for what happened to you :hugs:.

I used to experience catcalling and being followed by creeps, and I remember telling a forum friend long time ago that I wished my brothers could accompany me all the time, so I wouldn’t feel scared going outside. Then I bought the Knight Mindset in order to solve other problem I had. To my surprise, one of the result I noticed after using this field is that those creeps don’t seem to exist anymore. After noticing this, I still had some doubts. So I tried to go outside more often, and everyone really treats me with respect :100: .

I also heard from a respectable member here that when we constantly raise our vibration, we would experience less negativity in our world. Even when we live in a place that is known for being hostile. I experience this result myself as well, but for different situations.


If matrix randomness exists, then one can’t manifest a safe life 24/7 unless one is able to counteract that randomness. That’s what the fields are for.

I agree with you that a higher vibration will help one avoid danger and such, but I disagree that she should focus on clearing and healing and manifesting a safe life 24/7.

The fields will continue to instill a sense of safety and clear those beliefs on her behalf. It will override any negative beliefs so it can do the one thing it was meant to do: keep her safe. Its done the same for me.

The fields will work for her in the short and long-term and are all she needs. By carrying the fields around she will have that feeling of safety that will eventually manifest into her life 24/7.

The fields are not a short-term fix, they are an all around fix for this issue in her life.


You are counteracting this randomness by installing the right beliefs and listening to your inner guidance. Fields can help with the change of those beliefs.

…with the result that this randomness probability can be pushed down to such a low level that it is very unlikely of anything ever happening to you in the next 1000 years. So you can still be kind of safe 24/7 despite some randomness being there.

And if in the unlikely event that randomness would still potentially create something bad for you, your spirit guides will probably warn you on how to avoid it or your Higher Self would intervene.

I believe that’s what almost everyone should be doing on this planet. If everyone heals themselves we would live in a physical paradise. Society is a mess because almost everyone passes their trauma, fears and negative belief systems into the next generation and barely anyone wants to do the hard shadow integration work within themselves.

If you are not proactively manifesting the life you want, you will always get what the matrix manifests for you – and this will involve a whole lot of randomness.

It is always good to listen to fields and wear tags. But don’t think that just being exposed to fields for WHAT YOU THINK THAT THE PROBLEM IS, is all that is needed in the long-term.

Being safe is just a consequence of an inner state and a proper set of core beliefs from many different areas of one’s life. For many people this inner state and core belief is damaged with trauma and other unconscious negative beliefs that first needs to be healed.

The whole topic of “being safe” is just the tip of an iceberg.

Let me try to explain what I mean:

E.g. are you 100% sure that it is all about just being safe?
If so, then why is it that people mostly have the experience of being unsafe tied to a particular aspect (e.g. gender, race, income level, location etc.), out of the many aspects through which unsafety could actually manifest itself?

Why is it, that mostly someone feels safe in all areas of their life but not when it comes to a particular aspect like their gender, race or other similar aspect?

It is because it is seldom about actual safety, but more about an underlying deeper issue that is connected to that aspect (gender, race, income level, location etc.).

In most cases, being safe or not safe is just a symptom of a deeper underlying issue and set of core beliefs.

And if you are not aware of that underlying issue or trauma, how do you know which fields you need to use to solve and heal this?

The fields you are listening today to keep you safe are doing its job and will also probably install a long-term belief that you are safe now. But if the underlying deeper issue under this has not been resolved, then it will manifest itself in another area of one’s life. And then the “symptom killing” will start over again.

What I am recommeding is that the underlying deeper issue needs to be made aware of and be worked upon.
Then one will know which fields to use to solve the issues and all its outer manifestations (like safety) once and for all.

Heal the core issue and all the issues and beliefs built upon it, will also crumble and disappear. The outer reality will almost automatically manifest itself “symptom-free”.

And it is all worth it, because the consquence will not only be a safe life, but also an abundant life, a healthy life, a happy life and much more.

We barely have 100 years on this planet, so why wait for the life you want to have? Do you want to spend most of your life spilling water buckets over the herds of symptom fires?
Or do you want to find a solution that will work once and for all and as quickly as possible and then enjoy the life you truly want?

Also please consider:
Being safe just for the sake of being safe cannot be the end goal anyways. Because if being safe would be of a high priority for the Higher Self, shim wouldn’t play this hardcore game called “physical earth” in the first place.

All I am saying is that my advice is that if someone truly cares about being safe and who does not want that symptom to come up later in life in some other area, should not just use the tools for the symptoms, but also work on finding those deep underlying issues and solve these.
And for that there are then other fields that can help out – but it all needs first to be made aware of.

If you cannot make the underlying issue conscious and bring it to awareness, then the solution would be to listen to EVERY field that is out there for any type of psychological, soul, enegetic, trauma and self-worth healing aspect that one can possible think of.

There are also a ton of beings from the higher realms that are eager to help when a person asks them for their help. For this, the person needs to actively state with their free will that they want that to receive that help. Always let your astral friends help you.
Or, you can install the belief that “the Higher Realms” are always helping me and protecting me. Then these beings will help you out much more often because by installing this core belief, your demonstrated with your free will that you want to have this help from them at any time. All of this does not free one from the work of cleaning out your core beliefs.


You know, I agree with a lot that you are saying here. I just don’t quite agree with the idea that women manifest sexual harassment. I think we can get to the point that we manifest the best lives possible where we can avoid people with negative intentions but in general, collective reality still has too much of a ripple effect in our lives. I’ve heard so many people say that they can do this through manifesting alone but all these people I’ve heard talk this talk, tend to still end up in pretty horrid situations with troubled people. That’s the key issue… other people.

That’s exactly it though… everyone isn’t doing this in the planet. Everyone isn’t clearing their dark patterns and transforming their belief system. And just like you manifest reality, everyone else does too. We live in a collective. We all influence each other subconsciously. Our personal realities are intertwined with all the personal realities of everyone around us. So other’s dark thoughts, dark intentions, dark actions are also a part of our reality whether or not we believe they aren’t.

Did the little girl who believed the world is safe and her uncle was sweet and loving and would never hurt her… manifest him doing inappropriate things to her?

I felt safe when I was a kid and had no gripes about safety until one day, I wore my dad’s chain out to look cool and got robbed by a group of thugs with knives after school… did I manifest that?

Or how about the girl who is sweet and trusting of everyone… no need to be weary of men or whatnot… and then comes across a guy who takes full advantage of her and manipulates her… did she manifest that?

No. Other people’s intentions did. And those experiences instill beliefs in us so that we be careful and protect ourselves from other’s negative intentions. We are very much a part of our environment and the environment revolves the collective beliefs, patterns and behaviors of everyone in it. If you tell someone in a dangerous neighborhood in the ghetto to believe that they are safe, doing so isn’t just going to change the habits and behaviors of everyone around him. The hood isn’t going to just change because Jamal is at peace.

Although we like to believe that we aren’t a part of the animal kingdom anymore, we still are. Just as weary as animals are in their everyday fight for survival, we are still innately very weary of our environment and people around us… There are still many predatory people out there in our world. And to pretend they don’t exist would make us very vulnerable.

Many men still act impulsively on their primal instincts. I don’t believe women manifest getting sexually harassed, more than a female pigeon manifests male pigeons trying to court them. Just being a woman alone is all it takes for men to hound on them with their sexual intentions.

We are men so I don’t think we’d fully understand but if I had to imagine… To just constantly be perceived as a piece of meat to be devoured by men who I am not attracted to would be annoying. They would completely be ignoring who I am as a person for a quick thrill with my body. And the thing is, people’s sexual intentions touch us energetically. And it would be icky as hell to get that sexual touch from men I want nothing to do with lol. On a daily too…. Eeesh. Also, the history of creepy men stalking or doing horrific things to women would just make me weary in general. The world is getting better but I still don’t believe it completely safe for women.

So no, I don’t think getting sexually harassed is something that women manifest. Maybe something that nature manifests but regardless, unless you can find yourself in a higher vibrational community where everyone respects and trusts eachother… these protective beliefs are rather necessary in this troubled world.


And I wanted to mention that I don’t completely disagree. I get what you mean and in a sense, I practice it. I am extremely positive and never worry about negative things happening to me. All to the extent that my subconscious mind avoids running into negative situations and I barely run into things that can harm me. And this is part of what you said with counteracting the randomness. Part of it is that I just don’t get noticed by certain people or my subconscious knows what energies to filter out or unknowingly, I end up procrastinating and going very late to something and inadvertently avoiding something negative.

And I say this because I still don’t live in a completely safe area in NY. Despite my positive mindset, I maintain my street smarts and weariness because the moment I get too comfortable and let my guard down can be the moment where someone with negative intentions exploits that vulnerability. We are still meshed into the same environment. Their intention is to find someone vulnerable and they may just manifest vulnerable little ol’ me wandering round like the world is mine.

Randomness is also affected by other people around us. That’s why I do believe finding/manifesting a more positive environment where you can be surrounded by more positive people is key to be able to live that kind of life. Issue with most of us are is our attachments to certain people… or not having the means of leaving our environments. Like I said, what you say is possible but it isn’t an easy solution. That’s a long journey that is basically along the path of the spiritual one which… takes years to do. Cath wants a solution now.