FInancial Freedom, Businesses, and Career Ideas

let’s start a discussion on everyone’s perspectives and beliefs with financial freedom, businesses, and careers!

i became more interested in the esoteric side of things because i wanted to get rich. i questioned why i wanted to get rich and my answer was so that i am free to experience anything i want to experience in this life. i wanted to get rich so that i can have more ideas of what i want to experience.

i’ve mentioned this to a friend, but right now i feel like what is more important than money is ‘energy’. ‘energy’ to create experiences regardless of how much or how little your ‘money’ is.

with this idea in mind, i have been utilizing my servitors, sapien med audios, and the environmental transformer to:

  • increase my energy sensitivity
  • clean and increase the quality of my environment’s energy
  • accumulate more energy to store and use when needed

if i could do this with the concept of money, i would do so in a heartbeat! :laughing:

i am currently a youth worker, but i’ve been in the financial and marketing sectors of business from customer service to managing my own team.

i have experienced my own sense of being poor and being ‘well off’.

i noticed that in whole, my business path in whichever industry has been about 90% people and 10% products and services. percentages are just an assumption and not backed with any ‘maths’. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

at this point, i have been meditating on what i want to do next with the help of the Bountiful Harvest album and my Best Path In Life tag.

so far my ideal goal for myself is to own businesses and just be an advisor for my managers that will actively run my businesses while i focus on expanding my own sense of freedom and enjoyment in this reality.

i’ve come across internal conflict because sometimes i don’t have the energy to deal with people and other times i enjoy being the centre of attention. if i have no initial interest in something, i don’t put in effort to take that first step. if i do have interest, i lack in focus, discipline, and consistency to stick through it.

the current avenues i know i can take i really don’t put any energy into because i have doubts of my own long-term investment in it.

  • what if i get bored?
  • what if i can’t handle the emotions and experiences that will come with this decision?
  • what if this route was not anything i expected at all?
  • can i deal with the ‘cons’ of taking this opportunity?
  • how will this decision affect every other aspect of my life?

the more i meditate, the clearer i get, but i’m still in this journey of exploring. sometimes i want to just get to the end, but then i know that the end will just open up a new beginning of my journey, so i might as well grin and bear this journey and find ways to enjoy and appreciate it to take these lessons with me for the next journey.


When I was younger and started to hear about LOA (Law of Attraction), I was also pulled to study it from a material aspect. And believed that money equals freedom, and a certain “magic” needed to happen for it to occur.

As a matter in fact when I start to take a dive into more spiritual and esoteric beliefs it was merely from a Material Side of things. EGO.

"Well, what’s the big deal if I need to pray to an Aqua deity, before drinking a glass if I happen to become rich afterwards?" :man_facepalming:
Even nowadays, if one goes into youtube, still some videos, frequencies are there to draw abundance out of you

After delving into the esoteric, into spiritual, getting in tune with energy and zen, I found out that being wealthy is not caused by being rich, poor, as those are but concepts. As a matter in fact, all of them raised each and every single time I was looking upon someone/something else other than me. So, in a way, your life tends to become a mess, as in a minute you are rich, as per the outside reality manifestations, and in the next one you are poor, if someone richer than you pops out.

Shortly after my life turned upside down and the way up was by going down. I faced a severy ego crash, like when I was younger, as I’ve been keen to that since a quite young age. Except that, this time, I let it go fully… All there was left was a “kid”. For the first time I was noticing me. I AM that I AM.
No labels, no characteristics, no nothing…Only I for being I.

Too bad I did not know Sapien back there. As it could save me some pai,tears and blows, believe me. Or too good, since it pushed me a few years up? Again, perception. May be.

draw the abundance out of you.**

What I mean by this is that abundance is a state. And the way most things are engineered is to make you believe that you already lack. That you are not enough. This poses as nowadays called “limiting belief”, but it is utterly a powerful bias, as a matter in fact.
Because you never look at things as they are, but in comparison. With that happening, abundance is being drawn out of you without you realizing it. It’s fascinating, really. For what you seek to become you’re letting it away through the door! Because you don’t feel rich by looking at someone poor, just as you don’t feel poorer by looking at someone rich. Only your ego takes the both the pride and the fall.

But since none of the above is actually real, he tends to rise twice. For he’s both right for being poor and rich, IF, all you seek is abundance out of you. Meanwhile your “inner child” suffers…

So, after I had that mental shift. My currency in life became different.
I had a friend saying that “energy was his new founded currency” and to add to that I have Experience/Knowledge. Or knowledge through experiencing.

You see, after the labels ceased, no longer I believed I had only one path (which was the one I was into). Nor I was looking into deities or mantras or frequencies or anything from the initial perception. I immediately got back into studying, into learning and delving more into experiencing things, sorting from tons of different sources of information. Money was no longer more important than knowledge. Just as information was meaningless without experience. Just as I realized that mantras are pointless if you don’t know how to use them. Just as […] sorry, some things you will have to find them on your own :wink:

With those two currencies in life - Energy & Knowledge/Experience - my approach to things changed drastically. First there’s a huge responsibility of managing your own inner resources. Because you can’t be around boasting what you know, just as much you can’t help everyone. It’s energy consuming, really. And “some” will not be happy about this. Especially the more you are in tune with your energy. So, after a while you know which seeds to plant, which to water on and later harvest.
Since my feeling of abundance changed to an expression of myself, I became free. Even though this seems rapid, it took more than a year after the Ego took another big toll…

I believe I’m financially free at the moment. At least, I’m free from the labels of rich and poor. Of “lacking”. Just enough. Even though I have my degree and graduations, I’m not certain as to there is where I must go.
(Un)fortunately with this state all my views about life and career changed.
Even though I’m also into business and management, Finance, Taxation, Economy…etc…with some specializations… my childish mind loves to be going elsewhere. As a matter in fact I’ve recently been playing the ideia of giving lectures and teaching. Or even counselling, which I always did wholeheartedly.

As for these questions, I had been dealing with them years prior. And they all ceased after my views of life became different.
There’s no “what if” only “what is”. And even “what is” is sometimes difficult to grasp, for so much noise comes from outside, that distortion, bias, beliefs, ego, etc… get in the way.

The answer I found was may be. For the moment you are you because you are, no longer will you be anything else nor confused for what’s expected for you to be. But you need to ask who are you.

And for this to happen, my friends, I must say that Sapien’s audios did a great assistance…

I’m really thankful for that. As a matter in fact a few years back I thought I knew everything, for I was “the best at”, or that I was “too old for”, “or too young”… Turns out that I’m just I.

And I’ve happily found myself and live accordingly. Will that lead me to a career in finance or management? Who knows? Who cares? Will I teach or lecture? Will I become a counsellor? Will I become an investigator/scholar full time?

Perhaps all of them and yet none. I can become anyone. For I shall go where my true expression lies… in myself.

Sorry for the long text, but “someone” told me it is needed.

Lastly, thank you Sapien Dream for your work.


Did your comfort-loving ego get triggered ?


@Samurai Ah, there you are :slight_smile:
I was wondering when you would get here :wink:

True freedom of being is attainable. That’s non attached no any specific purpose, outcome, audio, tag, whatever. I don’t really care for ownership, as those things will never be me.

I already have the IPF tag, currently on as I wrote that. Unfortunately Teespring messed the Cognitive Enhancement one :man_facepalming:
As for the subconscious limits it shall get here, it is being made!

Even though I have to agree with you on the so called gurus. Both word and world itself is misplaced. Guru should be about clearing your own darkness, not selling you anything or having you “follow” him around. Which is why I write a lot about “Experiencing” and don’t bode well with the current agenda.
Nothing matters unless you experience it, after all.

PS: Michael said hi

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Did I hear subconsciousness limit tag?



It is coming…Better than having Teespring splitting the order in two and sending to different addresses. Even though you only stated one.
It baffles me…

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Not as long as I have this implant in me aka the crown chakra.

Funny how oneness originates from an implant, almost as if the creators of humanity want humans to feel a certain way, aye…?

Oh wait nevermind, the trend is to blame reptillians, my bad, how dare you reptillians!

Funny, I just received a “wear the Michael mandala” like 5 minutes before reading this.

I guess OM wasn’t kidding when he said everyones angel/alien/deva etc friends read the forum too :stuck_out_tongue:

Tell Mikey im open for angelic intercession but his energy is too …“nice”, dont want to get infused by it.


Well at least they left a connection to “IT”.
You know, let’s see how many of “these” will try to reach us, kind of talk.

Either way, if you perceive it, you’re bound to be a chained rebel. If you experience it, you’re free, as paradoxical as that sounds.


He asked why the duality? :wink:
For his energy may seem threatening in the dark, but shall become welcoming once we shine a light on it.

That’s it. I will leave you two at it.

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New growth cannot exist, without first, the destruction of the old ;)


yes, your energy is your bank, if you don’t know how to protect your energy bank, anyone can come in and rob you of your energy.

i’ve learned this the hard way and the literal way by being a banker myself. it’s mostly desperate people who would rob a bank or someone’s energy.

oh yes, i started to see that it didn’t matter what number was in my bank account. what mattered more to me is the perspective i had ABOUT the number in my bank account.

what i was trying to get away from is the feeling of lack which i feel like i have a better handle of. gratitude and appreciation for what i have definitely helps with my own ‘feelings of richness and wealth’.

yes thanks for this! i do feel that these questions just don’t matter or simply cease to exist once i’m ‘in’ the experience.

a part of me is ready to take that leap of faith with my own ideas and accept whether i succeed or learn from the crash and burn.