💪 Fitness Tech 360 (Ultimate Sport Project)

today a coworker told me how much more she has train to keep her body in shape since she is in her forties. she is following a new routine at the gym witch now includes the arms, since two month.
then she showed me proudly her arms. and i said “i have some muscles there, too. look!”. and i was a bit embarrassed when i saw how my arms have muscles! me who never goes to gym. just my trampoline. i am ten years older and almost half her body size. but the arms are impressive :sweat_smile:
i only said something about how i have to do everything alone at home… :see_no_evil:


Spending summer in a place with a “million” stairs. Usually, it requires a great effort to get anywhere.

Well, not anymore :upside_down_face:.

Thank you Fitness 360 :hearts:!


wow, can somebody contact me?

My back says thank too, especially during the summer vegetable garden season :boom:


So I dont like to write reviews or comments immediately, but I got this yesterday. Im a pretty good athlete though not world class or anything and I haven’t worked out much the past year just a few minute workout a few times a week to maintain. Just for comparisons sake ill show an example, I can do 50 + pull-ups fairly easily even when im not working out (im not heavy), but im not a great fighter imo. I did a fighting workout and now afterwards my movements feel sooo coordinated, like id be an actual threat even if you know what you are doing. Like if I were rating myself I went from a 3 to a 7/8 in terms of all around boxing ability from just one workout. Pullups on the other hand felt exactly the same, as I didn’t do a workout for them.


but sometimes you surprise me.
(which is what happened just now) :grin:


A while back, I was trying to figure out which project caters to biohacking gym technologies like Upgrade Labs. If this one could be secured in the secondary market, does it simulate those effects on the body? Upgrade Labs charges something like $99 per machine, in Beverly Hills. They have at least 6 or so different machines; so it would be $600 to hit them all for life extension purposes! If this NFT isn’t for that, does anyone know which one covers that part of health? I only ask since a microcurrent table is mentioned. Thank you in advance for any advice!

I would imagine that using this with the Wu Wizard or other alternate healing modality feilds would be great for optimization of the body! The world of the Captain just keeps on revealing more and more paths to where we want to end up.