Flight to Fight (N/A)

Am I only one or this field makes you fully awake in night stack? :flushed:


I’ve had it in my sleep stack for a while but because of the music I only listen to it during the day, I feel like it’s disturbing my sleep which is obvious, who listens to techno during sleep :joy:


I play this in combo with Excalibur, Gamma Brain Waves, Brain Refresher and Plama Brain of Youth to start the day. Gives me a good wake up push.


It really makes you to do some stuff and without fear, like just do it it’s time


Yep, it is the best anti-procrastination field so far in my opinion… :chart_with_upwards_trend: :fist: :muscle:


Same effect on me, already had noticed it with Amygdala Healing.
I listen to it in the morning



  • makes you full awake
  • pushs you to do things you have avoided
  • makes you fearless in your doing

I wonder what more gifts have this precious field :relaxed:


I so love music in this one

Please @Dreamweaver make once some EDM Hardwell rave party with your tracks live😄
I am sure many will enjoy

Sapien DJ Medicine


What a lifesaver of a field this is, helps my flight/fight response cuz of anxiety


i wish i could have a review by now


What happened or have you just not gotten it yet

I have not been consistent enough


I made a little playlist with this.


It’s cool. I feel motivated. If I try to waste time on something dumb like youtube my brain is just like “no, cut that out”. I don’t feel like wasting time. And it works. I stop wasting time.

I still have a downfall when it comes to choosing goals. I feel motivated and all. But getting myself to clearly choose one thing to do next… I’m not so good at anymore. I was better at this years ago. Long story but I don’t want to get into it.

Once I get Solidifier I might aim it’s power directly at this very thing. “I know what I most want and need to do next” as an affirmation for it.

It’s kind of a funny idea. Use something meant to help you reach your goals to help you know what your goals are. My first goal: “knowing what my first goal is”. Heh. But I might do that.


Maybe ask the solidifer to guide you to truly knowing/becoming yourself :thinking:. I think once you get there your goals will fall in line naturally.

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I don’t think that’s it but I’ll keep it in mind in case it rings true later. Thank you.

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Oh lala I love this Atreides! I always like these ideas you come up with haha
Would you consider adding inner pillar of power to said list? Or no need? I remember it once mentioned on there it was a very potent field (something along the lines similar to that of the Blueprint series) and since it sorta works along these lines…yeh lol

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Actually, I’ve been listening to this one today and yesterday. Since yesterday.

I’ve got this little anti-procrastination playlist. Zealot of Positive Change isn’t on it only because I’m carrying that NFT in my pocket.

But I also have this other playlist I listened to earlier today.


A general spiritual/psychological healing and well-being playlist.

“The Power of Support” is The Inner Pillar of Power. File names and field titles vary sometimes you know. It’s the same file/field.


This is hands down the best field I’ve used for dissociation. I’m just now realizing how I didn’t disconnect today due to being overwhelmed, I just toughed it out


I’m unable to purchase this everytime I put my card details in and click on the pay option it just redirects me to the home page and nothing happens

Are you buying from mobile?