Flight to Fight (N/A)

This also works better than the All Purpose Anxiety field @Dreamweaver , just in case you wanted some positive feedback (I know you like feedback bro, so I just wanted to let you know) and want to include that this field works on anxiety :)


The music is huge plus especially for a field that I’ll probably listen to the most eventually lol


Man, for some reason i was uncertain of what this field did until i began reading @Shivy-SzN testimonial, then it hit me, and i also realized i misunderstood the name of the field as well, i thought it read flight and fight for some reason lol… Ik, silly me

So i just bought it, and while listening i thought just how crazy this all is, a lot of us take this stuff for granted… But how crazy is it that with regularly listening to this field you’ll be tackling life with out hesitation? Incredibly useful…

Just before buying this i was kinda overthinking what i wanted to tell some one, and held off responding for a bit… i feel with this field, this will eventually become a thing of the past, no more second guessing any progressive action

That’s just one example to how it can help, just that in itself makes it priceless, and it’s being sold incredibly cheap too…

Life is beautiful man, I’m grateful be here, i look forward to keep growing with you all every day

While listening I was thinking about all the other people listening at different points in time getting upgraded as they listened, pretty cool man

Man it’s dope as hell, such finesse all across the track, each section paints it’s own bad ass picture


i remember a few days I was so anxious and depressed thinking and imagining a life without morphic fields or captain just quitting. Many of us would insanely suffer…

I just realized even though my visualization skills aren’t really great, I was still able to be pessimistic, but instead of being so, i’ll learn how to just let go of morphic fields, etc. in my mind. I already know it will make room to get more results🥱


Great one bro :sunglasses:

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That beat is soo addicting! :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note:


Also try stacking this with the kidney/adrenal field people!


So it’s like the all purpose anxiety removal with an active push for the fight instead of flight? Does thus field replace the other? Or is it best to use both?

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I would definitely use this over the all purpose anxiety


A quick testimonial as I’ve just realized I haven’t been ptsd-ing at my job those last 48h and had almost 0 anxiety, whereas this was hardcore those last weeks.

Too much to do, too much to learn, too much expectations about myself.

Sometimes my brain would just go into “nope mode”, I’d have to stop everything for 5-10min and meditate, until I could get some focus back.

This field delivers, get it guys :mechanical_arm:

Thanks Cap :pray:


I have a question. I’ve just bought it and downloaded it as an mp3. Using spotify works but I want to out it on my Google drive so I can put it on my iPad and I can’t put it on there because it’s a zip or for whatever reason why… The vlc player on my phone also doesn’t work for that…
What can I do without changing the field, so that I can use it on vlc and on my iPad on the vlc?


just unzip the file and you will find the mp3

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Well I found it there but I can’t utilize it still🤨
I’ll keep trying its fine

I uploaded the file on Google docs but then it’s unable to open… I’ll try tomorrow again when I have time👍🏻


Good luck, we are here to help if you need


I have the same problem but I have to go manually through the downloads and play the field from there! Recently I also ran out of Google Drive storage lol so that too!

If you have a laptop, just upload the files in zip format to your Google Drive, download and unzip, then upload the mp3 back to drive and download it from there.

It seems iike a very basic solution lol but that’s how it worked for me

Also try downloading one of those apps that extract zip files


Not sure but doesn’t the zipping and unzipping file alters the field? I mean we are actually compressing the file and it does alter the frequency etc of audibles … Gumroad was better … also since I have all the fields in one library of Gumroad that way


It stays put throughout!

Also it’s a new website there is always room for improvement!!


yooo, is it me or has this field been giving me a no F given mindset, I’m just like doing whatever I wanna do. This has been a tremendous help socially. I’ve been using a lot of sense of humor and sometimes it can be dark towards people but in a sarcastic way, but usually I would have some kind of filter but I just wanna have a good time around with people so, I stopped caring. This field is ultimate, new perspectives with this field is a chefs kiss
Like the Nike sign just do it, this is what this field does. You just do it no overthinking


Very true