Flight to Fight (N/A)

Nope… Field effectiveness is the same.




How’s everyone doing with this field?!


Feels like a Lot of confidence. The Essence of Confidence


true bro


Just got this too :slightly_smiling_face:

This field can be a very powerful solution against procrastination.

Because procrastination is mostly a flight type behavior.
Flight from facing the stuff that needs to be done, even if it is uncomfortable and does not trigger the same amount of dopamine as “comfortable” things.

  • Flight mode = back into the comfort zone, staying in mediocrity
  • Fight mode = facing the situation and being pushed to do what needs to be done

I totally agree


It seems like an obvious question but the picture/ mandala works aswell? I use it on my phone screen

No i dont think so


can anyone tell me how long the audio is?

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thank you

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You're welcome


OK thanks but why would it even be in the zipping data to download when there’s no use of ut? I’m trying to understand sapiens’ logic on that😅

Thanks Dream, for all these new E.A. fields. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I had bought a handful of these when the site first opened, but have not used this one yet! But Imma try it now, just to see how the brain feels, as you guys describe. Lol. My favorite so far, is by faaaar the Brain Dancer. I just got done with a semester of school and I am on my break, so been watching lots of videos from Ted Talks, reading books, and watching videos. And been absorbing all the info(and utilizing it in real-life situations) and it’s been working like a charm. I remembered I only had two fears(that I can consciously recall from the dome) in 2020 when I first came home, and it was heights( :sweat_smile:) and for some reason, demons and spirits(all of a sudden right when I came home, and I used to play the Quija board all the time even at a grave yard before we went drinking lol) but I had listened to the Amygdala one, and it literally went away within a couple of days. I’ve been really social everywhere, including school, and met an awesome friend, who just so happens to be friends with a sky diving instructor and will cut me a deal! So I am going next month, been tryna round up a crew(but everyone says it’s not their thing, but one new friend I met at school). Anyways, was planning to use this field beforehand, hence is why I had gotten it. I have a HUGE fear of heights, that rollercoasters never cured! Lol. But I wonder, would it be cheating if I used this beforehand? Or would it just be like an aid? I am hoping(to have fun) but to ultimately cure my fear too. So I wonder if this field would speed it up, or hinder the natural process?


Good point. I’m starting to see this for myself. Need to keep listening and report back. There is one big thing that I’ve been procrastinating on so let’s see… :sweat_smile:


It’s just nice to have. Nice to be able to look in my folder of files and see the art there instead of just another mp3 icon.


Negation of Trauma and (maybe or at very least lessen a) Flashback Episode in the following order:

Fight to Flight
New Perspectives
Gamma Waves


This audio actually take me on tje journey of how I experience my body and reality whenever I’m in public/ not alone: my body goes into total survival mode.
This is not uncommon for the individual experiencing (c)ptsd.

2:05- the intensity of my experience especially at first; drowning in the strobe lights that are submerging my mind.

2:20- how I feel as I’m in the environment for a very long period of time- almost now making it the new homeostasis so now I can start to “adjust”.


at 2:58 instead of having it go into further over-blast, or further continue upon that undesired stream,
It alters it, it shifts its course.
Think: changing the circuit

In my experience this takes you on the journey of rewiring your overwired or hyperactive nervous system.

Example in Point:
There is something called Intensive EMDR, EMDR standing for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.
In this program, the client for 8-10 hours a day, for perhaps a week or so, works upon their trauma clusters.
And for those whom are not acquainted with EMDR it’s where one relives the experience but with the guidance of the trauma therapist and in supplementation to tappers.
But the problem with EMDR - especially intensive EMDR programs- is it can actually mess with you if it’s not done properly or you’re too much in a feeble state to begin with.

This audio guarantees for the individual to resolve whatever nervous system havoc the PTSD caused with no adverse affects.

I earnestly recommend.
It’s 5 dollars USD, meaning to say the lay man can afford this.

I am confident this will revert the harm done through that intensive EMDR program.

And FYI I hate sharing testimonies where I pour my life story lol, but like IK it’s going to be helpful for others. And for those experiencing trauma, there is not enough modern science or modalities to alleviate it. But this does :slight_smile:
And anyways if we don’t share how else will we learn, right.


I’m glad it works for you :pray:t4:, love it when things work out for people but also sometimes the things that don’t work out are life lessons for us to make us stronger :pray:t4: