Project Mental Health (Public) 🧠

Wow! Such a clarifying answer!! Thank you so much. Instabuy, I guess. :blush:


Also if this makes you feel better, I have listened to various self love and trauma healing fields, and it will push you to put yourself out there “naturally. You won’t feel you are struggling or overthinking on making a situation perfect, you will think “I will just let the course of the situation happen naturally”. @yisus2302


Could this help with body dysmorphia @Ugninis

I tried the self love audios already


I hope that it will at least alleviate your concerns about the deficiency you are emphasizing

But I don’t make 100% predictions and I don’t predict the end result.
That’s my position.

I’d like everyone to understand that. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for your suggestions, I’ll definitely try them :muscle:t2:

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The section of treating PTSD and healing the amygdala reminded me of this field:
“The stellate ganglia also regulates the “fight or flight” mechanism, which plays a key role in PTSD and causes related symptoms.”

So im gonna assume Project Mental Health can help with procrastionation which is great

This is a small summary I made for my ego so it cant talk me out of getting this field … , a collection of how I understood this field because there was A LOT of information, probably not even the tip of how much this field can and will achieve.

Quieten the ego, less mental clutter

protection from psychic attacks

removal of old negative (self) programming

removal of parents negative programming

heal inner child which will automatically give you a lot more control over how you handle stress, social things, etc

overcome writers block bc of boost in creativity and insights

regular mind clean up and detoxification

removal of recurring life problems (Conceptual Realization would boost that effect even more)

gives back control over own reactions, or rather you can choose your actions instead of just automatically relying on your subconscious behavior programs

better mood, better outlook in life (pairs well with New Perspectives)

raises vibrations

automated cleaning of energetic shell

reduces fear of change because of the reduced effect of traumatic impact of situations in social settings and more

neutralizes the negative effects of heavy social adaptation (stress, nervousness, apathy) – social anxiety

promotes the ability to easily change the current social role, depending on the situation – which i see as a way of being able to choose not to be stuck in victim mindset, dependent on toxic people

obviously stress managment and reduction

removes the belief of uncureable disease

neutralization of internal conflicts and emotional tension

subconscious copying diseases of other people is blocked

activated subconscious resistance to self-inflicted illnesses – your ego wont be able to talk you back into anxiety, old programming, depression and other distructive actions

The field forms in the subconsciousness a powerful complex of positive attitudes for:
protection from manipulative behavior of surrounding people – goodbye emotional blackmail of family or friends, co-workers, narcissists

part of alchemical revision of sexual trauma

—> Healing brings back parts of a person’s personality, but not the memories of the trauma itself

Automatic removal of etheric chains

clear the psyche of irrelevant matters, unfinished gestalts that are eating up your energy, destroying your health and preventing you from moving forward in life.

it teaches you not to hold a grudge, but to let it go immediately —> Start with a clean slate. Let go of all the grudges and live easily!

you wont be as easily offended which will reduce mental rumination of old problems

Erasing stored negative memories of fear, and negative associations of mind and body.

boosts adrenal function, serotonin levels and emotional intelligence as well.

healing of psychological pain and trauma, it also helps with all types of anxiety, discomfort, distress and restores balance to an under or overactive amygdala.

addictions will be neutralized, purified and restored to its primary, natural level

dopamine levels will be restored → less resistance to doing stuff that youre procrastinating on,

getting dopamine from “healthier” sources instead of instant gratification which can help build healthier habits

“Too much pleasure without effort to achieve dopamine is the problem” - A. Huberman

Edit: (those are not claims, just my assumptions and interpretation of the discription, answers and comments in this thread)
inner strength
absence or rather reduction of excessive hostility (!)
learning to adapt to different social roles


@Ugninis I hope its okay to tag you
I know that this field has healing of inner child, anxiety itself and

have a question regarding this section

This set of fields weakens the traumatic impact on the psyche of situations involving changes in the social environment, neutralizes the negative effects of heavy social adaptation (stress, nervousness, apathy) and promotes the ability to easily change the current social role, depending on the situation.

What exactly is meant with negative effects of heavy social adaption?
And getting the ability to easily change the current social role?


Majorly noticing the neurotropic adaptogenic aspect. Much improved brain energy, alertness and awareness.

Feeling more adult. Hard to describe this part but it’s there.

Handling people better. When I see toxic interactions from them, less bothered. I just see what they’re doing, don’t like it, but am not too bothered about it, and respond to them in an adult manner regardless of what they’re doing.

The natural dislike aspect is working well as a psychic shield of sorts, rejecting unwanted influence. In the past I’ve had trouble with getting this “setting” right. Either liking toxic people too much and being susceptible or intensely hating them and feeling negative. Liking this aspect.

I notice the not thinking too much about things that don’t matter aspect at play. More power to put aside thoughts that aren’t useful. I love this part.

I think that’s it for now. There’s a lot going on with this one so I may be leaving something out.

The positive energy plus energy shell cleaning may be luck enhancing. Getting hints that it may be.

I just remembered what I left out. The TV thing. I already considered myself redpill about TV. But seeing it far more clearly today. People are programmed. They don’t just stereotype you they literally type-cast you. We consider an hour a day of porn bad (typically) but 4 hours a day of tv for many people for decades… it’s detrimental to relationships of all kinds. People aren’t seeing each other. They’re seeing characters. And they’re trying to play characters. And they’re using tactics from tv shows that look cool to one-up someone but aren’t healthy in dealing with people in real life.


For example, you cannot adapt (get used to and feel comfortable) to a changed social environment.

These can be any changes of a traumatic nature for you: a change of residence (moving abroad, to another city or simply to another apartment); a change of job (promotion or demotion, change of employment, a drastic change of occupation); drastic changes in the financial sphere (were rich, became poor or vice versa); changes in personal relationships (marriage or divorce, death of a close person, separation).

Social roles are associated with social status, profession or type of activity (teacher, pupil, student, salesperson).

these are standardized impersonal roles based on rights and responsibilities, regardless of who performs these roles. Many of us get so used to our dominant role that we begin to ignore all other roles

this is where the problems begin. For example, a person whose dominant role is that of “boss” comes home and instead of changing this role to that of “loving husband” or “caring father”, continues to stay in the role of “boss”. He yells, commands, manipulates, but is that what his loved ones expect?

psychological stability allows to keep inner harmony, favorable interpersonal relations, to display firmness and strength of character in the situations of tests in life.

it protects the personality from disintegration and personality disorders, creates the basis for inner harmony, high mental health and high capacity for work

psychological stability of the individual directly determines his vitality, mental and somatic health; optimistic, active attitude to the life situation as a whole; philosophical, ironic attitude to difficult situations; confidence, independence in relationships with other people; absence of hostility, open communication; consistency of the I-real and I-ideal; rational judgments in interpreting the life situation; use of effective ways to overcome difficulties

this question is not very correct to my personal position, and I have voiced it many times
and the sooner you realize that, the better.

I don’t guarantee results.
many results depend on you personally
I don’t know you, and I don’t know a huge number of factors that determine you and your life

the only thing I guarantee is The Great Skill of the Captain :slightly_smiling_face:

before any purchase, generalize the concept with a projection onto your reality, and decide if you personally need a certain product

it’s a responsible approach to making a purchase you won’t regret in the future

for all future questions (if any), I will try to answer only tomorrow :)


thank you for taking the time to reply

Now it makes more sense to me


Would like to know if indeed. Especially when it comes to this. @Ugninis


how long is the audio?

About 3:08 min


I think this might be a buy!


It should be. Extremely powerful. Another seminal moment where things have noticeably shifted for me.


@Ugninis or anyone on the team who created this. What is the Energy Shell? Does this come from Castaneda or where?


You have any chains of addictions or cycles of any form of negativity, this cuts all of that off, a personal surgeon excising all those cancerous cells.

I got a great bird’s eye view on other traumas and subconscious debris recently that resurfaced.

The swamp is drained.

Time to move forward and accomplish all that I desire.


from old notes:

Procrastination is not included in the International Classification of Diseases, but is widespread according to a number of sources.
procrastination can manifest itself as a separate psychological symptom, or it can act as a symptom of different conditions, ect

Depending on what led to the signs of procrastination, ways and means of overcoming it will be determined

It is important to distinguish procrastination from laziness, asthenia, and depression

when a person is lazy, his motivation decreases and this manifests itself outwardly in behavior that we call laziness, that is, unwillingness to do anything. At the same time, a person who is lazy does not worry about his behavior and does not perceive his condition as a problem. A procrastinator perceives his condition as a problem and tries to find a solution for it

with asthenia, procrastination is a sign of exhaustion of the central nervous system, as a result of excessive loads, overexertion or a prolonged absence of rest. With asthenia, attention and concentration disorders develop, motivation decreases, and self-confidence may suffer, ect

with depression, procrastination is a symptom, a sign of illness. As a rule, in addition to symptoms similar to procrastination, other symptoms develop in depression: for example, depressed mood, heavy thoughts about the future, sleep problems, reduced capacity for work, “collapse of strength” and others.

answer to you question here:


this morning I found my old recordings of the audio lists that I used earlier

Personal emotional support
Shamanic Medicine
New Perspectives
Shamanic Medicine Blend
My Personal e-supporter
Anger Managment
Anxiety 16 min

Crucible of Mental Space
Crucible of the Past
Smart Cord Cutter

Neuro Album: Dopamine Redux I love this tune :heart_eyes:

Mental Health Album 2020-07
Depression the Relief | Forgiveness and Release | Love, Gratitude and Appreciation
Trauma Release and Healing | Self Love and Acceptance

…and thought that “yes, a few years ago there were also no 5 G” :laughing:

I also thought that this NFT would be ideal for those who show up on the forum and regularly ask “how to purge themselves from the effects of X creator, subliminals, etc.”

and I had a clear understanding of why this NFT was created now


they are vey modest :laughing:

energy system

I didn’t use his concepts
only, in one project, the Assemblage Point was mentioned :laughing:


Really appreciating this NFT. Grew up in a culture where Mental Health was a taboo or hidden.

Really reduced my tendency for over-thinking, and default to worst case scenarios { none of which ever materializes}. Other aspects of this, is like I am remotely looking at actions, self and otherwise, not being trigged either, just observing…being able to ‘see’ why folks do what they do…

Feel like I woke up to a brand new version of myself, this morning…going to have to get used to it… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


wow this might be one of the best nfts to date!