Project Mental Health (Public) 🧠

So happy there are a lot of copies. Really want to have this but I don’t have the cash right now
Thanks Dream and team


Alchemical revision fields
Blueprint of past
Project Mental Health

Your family will be so shocked at the brand new you. Look at you smiling n shit, now go live your life to your fullest :muscle:


You are such a darling Ugni
Thank you :heart:


these principles were also included, but they were described by completely different constructs

this does not mean that you should remove them from your playlist, etc., nor does it mean that one replaces the other

the captain does not create analogues, he creates perfect alchemy on the very idea and scheme proposed, with the addition of certain unique and unrepeatable bonuses

I have friends who are fans of a clearer approach :laughing:

in any case, the choice is yours

Automatic removal of etheric chains - through which energy goes from us to other people, ideas, ideals, aggregors, material objects, work, etc. This negative energy connection is often established with people and can persist for a very long time. Sometimes even when it seems to you that this or that person has completely disappeared from your life, in fact it turns out absolutely not so. In fact, he continues to suck your strength and energy through the energy bindings that bound you.

In a psychological sense such “bindings” are explained in a more rational way. Gestalt (briefly and simply) is any business, idea, dream or hobby in which you have invested a lot of energy, but for some reason have not completed it. A person has an obsessive desire to return to the situation and work through it, as if to turn it on again. Thus, by starting a new relationship, we involuntarily bring unresolved conflicts from the previous ones into it.

For example, the person as a child experienced a psychologically traumatic event that made a strong impression on him or her, but none of the adults thought it necessary to explain to the child what exactly happened, why it happened and how to proceed. Another example is when a person’s serious relationship ended on an incomprehensible note, and he or she did not have time to express the desired emotions and feelings. This kind of incomplete gestalt in love and relationships binds us, like invisible chains, to certain life scenarios, people and situations. The event or relationship has long since been suppressed from memory, but a trace in the form of unreasonable fear, tension and anxiety remains (a strong cord is formed at the energy level). Work left unfinished, unfulfilled desires, unreleased relationships, unexpressed emotions, unlived events - all these are incomplete gestalts that close the door to a full life. Thus, when a gestalt is not completed, a large amount of energy is expended to maintain this “suspended” situation, which leads to a depletion of one’s resources.

This field will clear the psyche of irrelevant matters, unfinished gestalts that are eating up your energy, destroying your health and preventing you from moving forward in life.

Unforgiven grudges are not only a stone on the soul, but often other serious problems on the physical level. They prevent us from building a career, personal life and kill our faith in human kindness and decency. As a result, we ourselves suffer from the accumulated negativity much more than our ill-wishers. Psychologists and esotericists are convinced that the act of forgiveness has strong therapeutic properties. Until we have forgiven the abuser, we like to keep him on a leash and drag him with us everywhere. Imagine the daily expense of feeding and watering your enemies. And in not forgiving, we do exactly that. It takes a tremendous amount of our energy.

Psychologists have found a consistent physiological difference between unforgiveness and forgiveness. When a single memory of the offender in all subjects disrupted cardiovascular activity. These changes became very significant when they thought of revenge. If you are willing to make the effort necessary to forgive, you are sure to feel the benefits forgiveness will bring to both your mental state and your physical health.

This field is designed to form positive models of forgiveness for yourself and others; it lowers the emotional significance of an offense, which makes it much easier to forgive; it teaches you not to hold a grudge, but to let it go immediately; it evens out the disturbed psycho-emotional balance and harmonizes the sphere of interpersonal relations.

It is necessary to forgive not only other people, but also themselves. If a person holds a grudge against himself or herself, no personal growth, development and self-improvement is out of the question. Self-hatred is akin to trampling in place - energy is spent but no movement. Start with a clean slate. Let go of all the grudges and live easily! :grin: :bomb:

info from project :grin:


All I’m gonna say is I applaud for your details :fire::muscle: reading this made me so motivated for some reason haha

On a real note, that part about forgiveness is true, better hop on that forgivness field.


This makes me feel good.

I was experiencing mild depression earlier today. Then this released. Funny timing. Mild to moderate and significantly worse than 99% of my days. But still not in the really bad territory. Close enough to it for me to pay attention though and think I’d better change something.

Only thing I can tie it to is individuation. I’ve been practicing individuation. A necessary step towards healthy psychology according to some. A side effect of that seems to be an awareness of isolation. Just accepting the reality of it, of the people who are not there for me but who would have been or “should” have been.

It’s not total isolation. But certain significant people are gone. Some for the best for me, toxic.

Right now, after a few reps of this, feeling better than usual.


Can’t wait to put this on a double sided tag with shielding 3.0 on the other side and never take it off.


The melody is amazing, also very motivating. In terms of physical sensations - pressure in the back of the head. We were so looking forward to this project - to be honest (and the band confirmed) - this is key to the results of the other fields… :pray:

I sincerely believe that this NFT will have a huge lifelong positive impact in the long run

by the way, the project offered one article on the study of genes of potential interest in the study of depressive states.

and now I say goodbye to you and wish you a good day / evening, it is very late in my area and I need to finish reading the book and rest before the working day :laughing: :pray:


This is true. It reminds me of Last Of The Mohicans soundtrack. Beautiful and empowering like that music but without the sadness of the soundtrack.

I feel like someone put an icepack on my heart chakra. :man_shrugging: Healing icepack? Maybe. Probably. Weird but nice I think. Must mean I need it.



Much needed field, will update in the future. One of the highest anticipated ones for me


I just experienced my first gestalt closing. I’ve been trying to close this one for years. #impressed

I did feel my brain waking up earlier. Becoming more clear and awake. I didn’t mention it because I didn’t think of it as being directly related to this field. But it is.

will update this post as results come in


$275 means there would be definitely an audio

@Ugninis impressive project, will take time to read through. I’m sure every one needs this, everyone is burnt out at work and also being caretakers. It will be a personal shamanic psychiatrist friend.

Thank you.


Just got this.


The audio feels great, will try to integrate with mandala later too.

Triumph we will. :person_climbing: :sun_with_face:


Nootropics are supplements that enhance cognitive function. They help improve memory, focus, creativity, mood and energy levels.

Adaptogens are natural compounds that reduce stress by balancing the body’s response to physical or emotional stressors.

Together they can be a powerful combination for improving your health and cognition.

What Do Nootropics Do To The Brain?

Nootropics work by improving neurotransmitter function.

This means they help with the formation of new neurons as well as increasing communication between existing ones in your brain and body to enhance learning capabilities, memory retention and mood regulation among other things!

Nootropics work in different ways to help with the formation of new neurons and increased synapses (the spaces between cells that allow them to communicate).

Some affect acetylcholine, dopamine or serotonin directly while others work on other pathways such as those for learning and memory!

What Do Adaptogens Do To The Brain?

An Adaptogen is a type of herb that helps the body adapt to stress.

There are many different types of Adaptogens and they can be found in both nootropics as well as other herbal products.

Adaptogens help bring about overall homeostasis or balance within your body which is what makes them so unique!

Adaptogens work by modulating the hypothalamic-pituitary axis which is a part of your endocrine system that regulates stress and balance.

It also modulates cortisol levels in your body to promote feelings of relaxation while giving you energy at the same time!

This can be helpful for those looking to improve their mood, memory formation and learning capabilities without any side effects.

Stacking Nootropics and Adaptogens

When you combine adaptogens with nootropics, you give your body the ability to perform at optimal levels!

Nootropics work by increasing neurotransmitter function and adaptogens work on their own pathways to bring about balance and relaxation within the body.

When combined together, both of these effects can lead for improved memory formation as well as overall cognitive performance without any side effects!

Some Info from project

The high prevalence of anxiety disorders throughout the world has led to increased interest in the study of this problem. In the modern medical literature there is a large number of studies concerning the pathogenesis and therapy of anxiety disorders. It has been established that many areas of the brain are involved in the development and modulation of anxiety, among which the amygdala is considered key. Various mediator systems have been shown to be involved in the processes of anxiogenesis and anxiolysis (GABA, monoamines, glutamate, neuropeptides, neurosteroids).

Also, there are studies that have found a relationship between anxiety and dopamine synthesis in the limbic system of the body. The release of dopamine in the neurons of this area of the brain makes you feel good, while its decrease can provoke depression and anxiety. Some scientists have found that anxiety in rats exhibiting a passive adaptive behavior strategy is associated with reduced dopamine content and slowed dopamine metabolism in the amygdala complex of the brain.

This field affects the amygdala, healing of lesions occurs, causing production of stem cells, removal of scar tissue. Erasing stored negative memories of fear, and negative associations of mind and body. The stellate ganglia also regulates the “fight or flight” mechanism, which plays a key role in PTSD and causes related symptoms. The blockade procedure anesthetizes the nerves in the stellate ganglion, and “resets” the system, preventing them from sending a signal to the amygdala. This returns the brain to its pre-traumatic state.

This will also balance Norepinephrine Hormones. For those that don’t know, Norepinephrine is a chemical from your central nervous system and a stress hormone released from within your adrenal glands. It regulates numerous internal functions that keep your brain and body running efficiently! Low levels of Norepinephrine have been shown to hinder person’s mood and ability to concentrate. Low levels of norepinephrine may also lead to conditions such as ADHD, depression, and very low blood pressure.

This also boosts adrenal function, serotonin levels and emotional intelligence as well. Besides the healing of psychological pain and trauma, it also helps with all types of anxiety, discomfort, distress and restores balance to an under or overactive amygdala.


It may well be that the amygdala is important not only so that we can learn to fear those things that pose danger. It also helps us to stop being afraid of things that are no longer dangerous. Perhaps this is why Alex Honnold was able to train his amygdala the way he trained his muscles–the main thing is not to panic or twitch, and then everything is likely to end in a happy ending.

Free solo climbing is one of the most dangerous types of rock climbing when people tackle technically difficult routes on steep cliffs without using any safety equipment that could keep them safe if they fall off the cliff. Free-solo climbers can be counted on the fingers; moreover, many of them have died on such routes or during other equally dangerous activities - wingsuit, base-jumping and the like.

Alex Honnold is one of the (few) living climbers who make ascents in this life-threatening style. Honnold’s first known “free” climbs date back to 2007, and he’s also set numerous records, including a fast ascent of The Nose on El Capitan in under two hours. That’s despite the fact that the standard time for this route is several days with overnight stays on the wall. He is also the only athlete in the world to have climbed the three big climbing routes of the Triple Crown of Yosemite (Mt Watkins, El Capitan, Half Dome) alone in 18 hours and 50 minutes, 90% free-solo.

Even photos and videos of Honnold’s ascents make most normal people’s heart rate increase and his hands perspire, while he literally risks his life on the most difficult routes without any safety net several times a year, not counting numerous practice routes of free-solo and rope-assisted climbing. Honnold’s remarkable fearlessness is matched by a remarkable shyness: by his own admission, he began climbing without belaying in part because he was too shy to find a partner.

On the left is an fMRI image of Alex Honnold’s brain; on the right is another climber, Honnold’s age. The horizontal slice on the right shows only amygdala activity, the sagittal slice on both slices shows activity in the occipital lobe, where the visual cortex is located, but only the image on the right “lights up” the amygdala located in the temporal lobe.

Especially for the 2016 documentary about Honnold, Free Solo, Alex was examined on fMRI. The equanimity that Honnold displays on the trail goes far beyond normal human reactions, so the researchers were primarily interested in what’s up with the amygdala.

The amygdala (amygdala) is responsible for fear in the brain, and its activation triggers the physiological response to threat: the balance shifts toward the sympathetic nervous system, which prepares the body for a “hit or run” response. The characteristic signs of the physiological reaction to fear are well known: the release of adrenaline and cortisol in the adrenal glands, increased blood pressure, rapid pulse, profuse sweating, decreased pain sensitivity and depression of digestion. Not all of these can help a climber stay on a rock if something suddenly goes wrong: say, sweaty fingers may not be able to keep a grip on the rock, leading to a stumble and a fall.

For starters, the researchers made sure that Honnold’s amygdala was present in the brain at all: Medicine has described cases where the amygdala body is damaged in people, and then emotional stimuli are processed quite differently. Nevertheless, this is definitely not Alex Honnold’s case. Both of his amygdalae, one in each hemisphere, remained intact.

Next, Alex was shown a panel of 200 images that triggered a very strong response in the amygdala: they were pictures of mutilated and bloody faces, corpses, defecations, disasters and calamities, and dangerous animals. There were also a couple of invigorating images of climbers on dangerous climbs in the set. Some of the pictures are almost unbearable for normal people to look at–but Alex Honnold and his almond-shaped bodies remained completely unperturbed throughout the experiment. It seems that nothing that horrifies the average average person is capable of impressing Honnold. He doesn’t just suppress fear and anxiety - he doesn’t experience them.

Researchers cannot say unequivocally what causes Alex Honnold’s brain to work so unusually. The two possible explanations complement each other nicely: apparently, Honnold’s almond-shaped bodies were originally at the edge of the range of possible emotional reactions. In other words, it is likely that Honnold’s amygdala initially produced very weak responses to possible threats, meaning that he was from birth a pretty fearless kid. Years of training and working with thoughts of the risks and threats of free-solo climbing have trained not only his athletic technique, but also his amygdala response.

Fear can be the thing that saves a person’s life or the thing that ruins them. If you’re scared, you probably won’t climb a cliff without insurance. But if you are already on a rock, fear can literally paralyze you or lead to mistakes incompatible with life.

Thank you @anon14224340
this gif was very handy :grin:


:relaxed: :pray:


Is there something in here to help with addictions @Ugninis ?



Chemical addictions (alcoholism, tobacco smoking, drug addiction, ect) almost always lead to a decrease in the number of dopamine receptors. After all, in this case our brain works with an increased load and rather quickly develops a lack of neurotransmitters, the nutrients from which they are synthesized are depleted. Nerve impulses, which previously easily passed from one nerve cell to another, are inhibited, or even refuse to act at all. Depression, loss of motivation, and other mood disorders arise.


The pathway of any addiction (porn, internet, smoking, drugs) will be neutralized, purified and restored to its primary, natural level. The field will increase receptor density and safely increase dopamine levels, and dopamine neuron activity to the optimal level required for a healthy lifestyle.


you saw this in a fuller description in a private group
I closed it. :wink:

everyone had so much time to read all info :grin:

Think of this project as a complete set aimed at restoring a naturally healthy mental state.

ps. your determination and attitude to get rid of X addiction is also important :slightly_smiling_face:


How does this project deal with the Shadow in order to integrate it, love it, and all that? (Jungian concept)

I can’t wait for my own copy! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hats off!


Thank you very much. I will be buying my copy today, and extra copies as gifts as and when family birthdays come up, it’s a very important NFT, life changing in fact.