Flower of Life (Album)

Thanx @GumayuSi


My limited understanding of it is that the Flower of Life contains all Sacred Geometry (the root of how Creation is architectured: unity, interconnection, infinity, same patterns every where) and is one of the most prominent symbol for Ascension.

So this field should remember you what you truly are at the Being Level, I guess. (or at least sow your field for latter Realizations)

Hope it helps. And as usual, deep gratitude Captain :pray:


would be nice as a dog tag to restore the aura and reset everything.


Or a tag to be more energy sensitive and to control ego…that would be cool…it should help to get faster and better result from anything.


I’m curious, why is ‘album’ in the name when its just one song?


I want to please hear it from you. What can we expect this to make happen in our Lifetime?


Maybe he will create more for the album.

Reminds me of this nice movie


You guys think this will aide in developing a symmetrical body?

Also, do you guys think it will aide in eventually returning a dislocated bone back into place?


Well being is the result


It should according to its ability ofc. Body and face. I do feel sensation is many parts of my body and face when I use it along with mandala.


Makes sense, this one’s going on the daily regiment lol thanks bro


My partner and I listened to this field while falling asleep last night and had it looped while we slept for at least 4 hours. We both woke up today with a clear focus on finding balance in all things. She has been drawn to yoga more than ever to balance her body and I sought out the parasite destroyer frequency and some other methods to balance myself health wise. Overall a very positive mindset change for us both that has nudged us to find balance and harmony in our lives. Even seeing things as unbalanced that we previously didn’t realize were an issue. Love this field, very very powerful for aligning yourself in all ways. Thank you again for another life changer @Captain_Nemo stay blessed :pray:


First it put my awareness in between two states of consciousness. That place where I shut out all pain, where I escape into a void, and the other place where all the pain of life is. It put me right in between the two, showing me they are both completely real, and they are both completely not me. They are just channels I can tune in to. I am in a place of power and decision in between the two where I can create whatever I choose, whatever state or experience. It’s just a channel to flip to by choice.

I am greater than all states. They are not alive. I am alive and bring life into them when I enter them. I can go wherever I choose. I can learn from any of them but I will never be them.

We can choose the next state. We can choose the next experience without ever fully knowing the state of it until we are in it. Our state and the state of that experience will create an interference pattern that we will learn from. We choose the experience by it’s outer form, and how it appeals to the state we are in at the time. It tells us that it will teach us how our state can be more true, and how it can be one that more truly resonates with an outer form that will create without what is within.

This is my initial experience with this field.


Sounds like some next-level co-creative awareness you tapped in to. That’s awesome man, I’m curious to see where this leads you.


So far, a lot of synchronicities. As soon as I realized that I learned something positive from a negative person I knew, people everywhere started acting more normal, neutral. Without even knowing what I learned, just accepting that it was for my good somehow. Like I just stepped right into a different dimension with less hostility. Life is weird as hell, times like these I start wondering if we really are lucid dreaming.


As soon as you learned the lesson, the negativity of others wasn’t necessary anymore. Awesome man!


I guess so. I’ve heard Aaron Doughty talk about this sort of thing but it’s different when you see it for yourself.


One of my main practices is meditation and evocations using the ancient Sriyantra, a light form of the Goddess (seen as both the manifested world as well as the Reality Consciousness transcending it at the same time) - which is nearly 900 years old that I inherited from my teacher. After listening to Flower of Life a few times, I sat down for my daily ritual with my Sriyantra (made of ruby) and felt jolts of electricity. Felt unified consciousness for a few minutes (seemed like hours) . This audio certainly seems to “plug one in” with Mandalas and Yantras and other objects of scared geometry.

Amazing stuff!