Flower of Life (Album)

I’m not familiar with Aaron Doughty; the name that comes to mind for me is Gregg Braden. He talks about ideas like these in his show on Gaia.


Due to _OM post about SRI YANTRA symbols it does affect the environment and maybe further than that. I wonder if this field has it own mandala and if we print it and put it in our place, I wonder how it would change our life…


Sounds like you’ve realized the “State-less State” of Ananda my Friend :pray: :heart:

My tips, based on my limited experience and “coaching” with great beings:
Rest there as much as possible and let this perfect Presence guides you through your day.
This is true surrender (relationship with All that Is) to higher Love & Wisdom, that knows best what is good for you and those near to you :)

The more time in Ananda, the fuller it gets - as the Presence of the One becomes deeper and stronger.

Hope it helps and I am not imposing anything on your current experience :)

Happy for you! :pray:


The Sriyantra does affect the environment, as it represents the perfect harmony of the microcosm and macrocosm. Other Yantras and Mandalas, while being representative of Enlightened archetypes or Deities, need to be energized and an energetic connection with the deity initiated (pranapratishtha - where “life” is installed in the mandala/yantra and avahana process where a deity is evoked in the yantra/mandala).

However, with Sriyantra, it is said, the very geometry, if properly constructed, is so powerful that the Great Goddess is immediately present there. The energy from a properly constructed Sriyantra is unlike anything else I have experienced. It can further be consecrated to evoke nine realms of deities - who represent the journey inward from the consciousness of “many” to “one” and from “I am this/that” to “I AM” - and that can be too much to handle unless one is prepared.


You still haven’t been to an osteopath/physiotherapy? :D
You remind me of all the men in my family lol


So does that mean we wont be getting anymore content then?


Within the Flower of Life can be located ALL of Sacred Geometry, which contains the Blue Print of the Universe.
The Flower of Life is one of the greatest secrets of all time, and this symbol has the highest energy level ever measured and is infinite.
The Flower of Life has deep spiritual meaning & is believed to contain the patterns of creation as they emerged from the Great Void.

(this is from a seller on amazon)

I was listening the flower of life for three days now and there seems to be a connection to the void. Before I go to sleep yesterday and the day before yesterday while I was entering the sleeping phase my head imagined that all the bad thoughts were going to void. Didn’t read anything about void in any other site but I think that the audio is creating “new life” in me and sends my bad thoughts (or in a sense destructive patterns) to the void. Anyone experienced something like this?


Haha @TheAmbiguousSoldier saw your comment and was like hold up… I need to verify!

Welcome man!


if I listen to vibration of creation I therefore shouldnt need this, right?

I think If I have Dreams most expensive stuff I dont need to listen to this

Nwm about that comment, there might be a correlation to the torsion field.

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It’s funny how as a child I continuously drew this symbol with my compass, without having the slightest idea what it was (neither my parants or anyone that looked at my drawing) :sweat_smile:



Flower of Life + Facial Symmetry

Flower of Life + Scoliosis Treatment + Atlas Posture

Flower of Life + Elektrosmog album

Flower of Life + Higher Self Connection / Collective Consciousness / Interconnection / Conceptual Realizations

Flower of Life + Love Alchemy or Mental Health

Flower of Life + Wealth/Abundance stack

Flower of Life + Charisma and Glamour

Flower of Life + Crystal albums (turns them into a grid)

Flower of Life + Vibration of Creation


Woot woot! First post and already adding value to the forum!



Welcome lilo to the forum!


thank you @Zen and @SilverZuzu! :wave: long time lurker first time poster etc

I do not know if my suggestions will “work”, I was just thinking and reading about all the keywords of Flower of Life… the applications seem so numerous…

before this I only know of it as a popular format for crystal grids. it adds structure and beauty to one’s intentions and energies, making the workings more amplified and powerful.

I imagined a similar synergistic effect when added to one’s stack, especially anything to do with: golden ratio, mental/physical/emotional/spiritual balance, symmetry, harmony, connection, network, protection, DNA, creation…

Most welcome if others would care to try and share results. As I am sure many find this field to be an enigma and want to learn how to make it work for their specific goals.


Golden ratio ? --> phi --> Theraphi !

So maybe listening to flower of life + the plasma field is a good combo .


I did a one hour meditation with this today morning.
I will report on things with an update.


yess i thought of that, and man it left me buzzing even after using the automated grounding audio a couple of times, felt really divine :sweat_smile::ok_hand:


I continue my daily meditations

Definitely some observable effects
Yesterday felt some warmth in my left knee and pain in my right knee
Some tingling in fingers
Pain in the bone behind right ear

Some pain at top of head
And some more pain left side of brain

Libido levels are good.
So I’m guessing it is the flower of life audio that’s responsible for the new found boost


I feel exactly the same.
Also it seem to improve my body connection and coordination in my practice