Fluency Disorder

Hello, what’s the best field that can help me with fluency disorder. it’s really hard to deal with the stuttering and mispronouncing every time. it’s really frustrating :frowning:


you can try this below


I recommend working on your Throat Chakra.

I am also guessing a lot of the problem stems from a lack of confidence, or possibly just a fear of being misunderstood and your mouth is vocalizing your apprehension to speak.

I think these audios below should help. I also would say add in plasma light and subconscious limits dissolver simply for good measure (if time allows)

I would say there are potentially dozens of audios that could help you, the thing is you need to find the source of the problem and address that.

These are the first 3 that come to my mind in what would be helpful to you. If your speech is symptom of mostly fear then I would suggest the Amygdala healing field as-well.

Maybe one step to conquer the speech issue is to just accept the current situation and be okay with it, but set the intention that you are on the path toward fluency and not regressing. This alone can be great way to find relief in the here and now.

To conclude; As cliche is it sounds, gratitude is pretty much always the best medicine. If all else fails, limit your playlist to only audios that improve your ability to experience gratitude and self-acceptance. The more you are grateful, the more you have to be grateful for. I hope some of this advice helps, it is hard to give a specific answer to something like this because it is a very individual issue that could arise from multiple sources. When you know the source you will know how to address it.


Like @NobleLight said, you should try to locate the issue, is it energetic, mental, or physiological ?
Mental health is crucial so as to avoid conflicting thought or doubts:
Limit remover, confidence, become whole and even mindfulness and kind and patient.

Throat chakra too.

As for the brain, speech production stems from the Broca area (located in the dominant hemisphere of the frontal lobe) hitting that area will help, a better connected or faster brain too.

I’m pretty sure cognitive enhancement audio (or Permanent brain enhancement it’s youtube name), would be enough on it’s own, since it helps with memory/knowledge retrieval, speech comprehension and speech production.

However I’d use newer fields like
Brain growth
PFC + enhanced hemispheric connectivity
Cognitive enhancement tag

I’d also try to consume Omega 3 and listen to ENPP6 for a faster brain.

It could also be a problem of overstimulation for which I’d use the Autism treatment. It’s very effective, I’m sure it would help in some way. As it would probably be the fastest to show results I’d lead with it, even if just to eliminate that possibility


Plasma bioactive and blueprint would help with anything no doubt…but I think you should do a checkup first and see if it’s a medical issue…but for overall faster healing with any problem you might have…I suggest to use smart steme cells…it will heal issues that you might not even be aware of but bit faster than any other healing audio…


Yeah my speech problem for example is probably due to my autism. Overstimulation of the sensory nerves in my mouth. Mind you, I have built up lots of negative emotions over the years because of it and so that also plays a big role.

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