For anyone who needs to hear this

While I was on a walk, I was re-experiencing an old unpleasant memory. It was during high school, I messed up an exam because I wasn’t motivated. I hear the gossip and the shock on people’s faces, I feel the shame, the guilt, etc.

Still walking, I hear a voice “You were only shown your limitations to realize how unlimited you are”.

You were only shown your limitations to realize how unlimited you are.

Now, I don’t know which fields or nft guides caused this thought. So I kept pondering on it. I applied it to other areas of my life and went down memory lane… So many times I had been struggling, so many times thinking I’m just no good etc.

The funny thing is, at those moments it felt incredibly real. That’s because it was. To my mind and life experience that was a very real and conscious experience. It’s just that…

During times of struggle, we tend to think that’s the only possibility, that it’ll never change. We play with thoughts such as “that’s just who I am”. But in truth, how could that statement ever be true?

We change all the time. No bad experience has the right to make an absolute definition about you. On the flip side , no good experience has that right either. It’s always on you. Always has been, always will be.

Consciousness can go to any direction.

I don’t know if this helps someone. I think, had I had this knowledge in the past, the various journeys would’ve been easier.

If you are in life now, struggling with health, or finances, or love, or anything really, remember one thing: what you’re experiencing now is as real a possibility as is the overcoming of these struggles. You were only shown this to know where you’re headed - to understand how great you can become.

Become unlimited



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There is always a tomorrow.



Not even David Goggings could have said it better. :muscle::handshake::handshake::handshake:.

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