For some reason I don't get results from anything?

I used to get results from subliminals and morphic fields including sapien , and sometimes I get an overload and have vertigo for awhile. but now I notice that I don’t feel anything when I’m using fields and subliminals and not getting any results , upper body field stopped making me sore, can’t really manifest anything and subs just not working? Maybe it’s an energetic problem?

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Are you using subconscious limits removal? Your subconscious can get in the way of things whether you may realize it or not that may help. Are you grounding enough and trying to stay away from negative patterns whether it’s thought, speech, action, etc.
Whenever your trying to manifest I learned this the hard way trust me. You need to make sure your not being negative. Whenever you think negative think of positive things your grateful for or think about what your trying to achieve and think of how grateful and amazing that feeling would be. Use energy blockage removal as well. You can also try field boosters those may help. If all fails and you don’t get results maybe you built a tolerance in a way? Try to play the fields longer or take a break possibly from certain fields but keep meditating

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