Forseti's Justice and Guidance

Forseti is a god closely aligned with the ideals of justice, tranquility, and dispute resolution. As the offspring of the god Baldur and goddess Nanna, he holds a distinguished place among the Aesir, the paramount deities in Norse mythology. The origin of Forseti’s name traces back to Old Norse, translating to “the presiding one” or alternatively, “the chairman,” a fitting attribution considering his role as an equitable and insightful adjudicator.

Forseti’s character is often portrayed as peaceful and composed, earning renown for his exceptional aptitude in pacifying disagreements and fostering harmonious relationships amongst both divine and mortal beings. Entrusted with the domain of law and order, Forseti personifies the essence of justice and regulation. His presence invariably brings an end to strife and discord, and his verdicts are always dispensed with fairness and impartiality

Enjoy the connection with this nordic God. You can ask for justice or just guidance in your current situation.



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Your welcome :)

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By no means am I complaining but I noticed that the entirety of the Aesir, aside from the All-Father, seem to be free so far. I was curious if there was a reason you’d be willing to share.

Regardless, thank you so much! Njord and I are still working on my bounty so I’ll leave proper reviews for Njord, Freyja, and Forseti once I’ve gotten some time with them (or become sensitive enough to differentiate sooner).


I wanted to share the connection with more “forgotten” gods or those who do not have as much attention. They are happy to help and actually that is the main reason for making these fields free.

Your welcome! there is abundance for all!


That’s really cool. I get American Gods, hopefully far less murder-y, vibes from the concept as a whole :D


Yep, it’s safe lol

Great show btw

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As the God of Justice, Forseti can be called upon to help with any legal problem, assuming that you are absolutely certain that you are in the right – or if not, that you are willing to make amends, and believe that your ability to make amends is more fitting than any punishment. In addition, you can call on Forseti for mediation and fairness between disagreeing parties in any group or community. He can be invoked to remind people in positions of authority to be fair and unbiased. As a lawmaker and a lawspeaker, he can be called upon for the prevention and abolition of unfair laws.


In another post I just commented that I adore your affinity with Norse gods which I too share via bloodline. My personal patrons are Tyr (like my WW2 warchief grandpa) and Loki (Gemini affinity). If you someday release these, oh man!


And congratulations on Forseti! His presence is FELT. And very calming. Thank you for this gem!


They are on the list, same as Frey, Hela, Heimdall, etc etc :D

Im glad that you enjoy these connections :pray:


The photo says it all :) :slight_smile: