Forum Patreon Account to Keep the Forum Running

As many of you know, SapienMed has stopped producing new content, and the forum was at risk of shutting down due to high operating costs. With your support through Patreon, we can not only keep the forum alive but transform it into an even safer, more intimate space for dedicated users.

This forum has grown into one of the largest esoteric hubs on the internet, housing a treasure trove of information on countless topics. To protect this wealth of knowledge and nurture the community, only Premium Patreon members will have full posting and messaging privileges. This change also helps curb chaos and black market trading, fostering a space where genuine seekers can connect and thrive.

There will still be some public sections of the forum available, but for the most part, most sections will be locked to Patreon Members only.

There will also be exclusive content that I will be making on EnlightenedStates—including weekly webinars, new articles, a deeper guide to field creation, and more— reserved for Patreon subscribers. My focus moving forward is on helping you unlock your own inner power and make the most of the existing resources.

While there won’t be new SapienMed releases, the hundreds of fields already available provide everything needed to create real transformation. Together, we can deepen our understanding, grow as a community, and continue to thrive.

So if you want to still be a part of the forum and support it in any way, then please subscribe. This will be how I can manage to keep this forum afloat.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Let’s keep growing together.



Great Job, Sammy, looking forward to it!


Joined, thank you :heart:


Thank you @SammyG :pray:
I just subscribed to the $10 tier, very affordable and good options :slight_smile:


Auto subbed. This place has changed my life forever. Thank you


Joined the $10 tier. Thank you Sammy!


I’m subscribing at the beginning of December. The "community builder "level will be enough for me :slightly_smiling_face:.

Strength to you Sammy :muscle:, long live Sapien Medicine :muscle::heart::sunny:

Your work and that of others who have participated and contributed to the development of sapiens medicine is very valuable and should not be lost. So much energy, time, attention, love has been provided so far.

Thinking of you Captain :pray::heart::sunny:


Subscribed to the $10 “Community Builders” tier. One of the easiest investments I made in my life, especially since I previously was subscribed to the $22 Premium tier.

Fully agree on how this is going to make the forum a safer space with people who are truly dedicated, willing to work and learn for a better more wonderful life. And in a way it is supporting the legacy Dream has left behind, honoring and appreciating everything he has done for us and building on that.

And I love the focus on the tapping into your own inner power. Seeing that you are capable of so much more on your own than you think and using fields as a supplement to this instead of solely relying on them and expecting the fields to do all the work. Might not be everyone’s cup of tea but what if one day you can’t use any fields anymore because of for example an Electromagnetic pulse from the sun or an attack, shutting down all electronics. Would you be truly lost or could you use other ways to accomplish your goals? I hope that day never comes because of course fields do make life easier but just think about it.

@SammyG When will the changes enter into force?


That’s why over time I have invested more and more in physical objects. My Pendants plates, Sigils laser engraved on good quality stainless steel metal plates (not attracted to a magnet) and my energy servant friends. Lion Zen
to memorize certain very important energy fields :relieved:

So on my side it should be fine :+1:

Indeed what would happen without an energy field. For my part I have evolved in a quite incredible and rapid way since I discovered Sapien Medicine. I am guided and more and more aligned with my life path.

Without some energy fields certain things will take much longer and will require much more energy to be provided for manifestation and realization.


I like the idea of most sections being locked from the public.


I have a good number of NFTs made into canvas wall hangings. There’s a store online that has crazy sales and it’s nice to have the vibration. Plus when you can see them you can spend more time talking to them lol.


Very nice Sammy, but careful that inner circle might have you booked for weeks each month llol


I highly recommend everyone to backup their fields onto M-Disc:


Subscribe now This is good news


Subscribe :blush: thanks Sammy!


Very smart! Was it a deliberate preventative measure for if the worst case scenario would happen or do you just like using fields more that way?
Then I should have taken it one step further, what if all fields just stopped working, period? (Can’t think of a realistic reason on why that would happen though haha)

Same here, fields have boosted my inner healing (regarding child hood trauma) and spiritual/consciousness evolution tremendously. It’s hard to say what would have happened to me without them. At the same time I’m discovering more and more healing modalities and therapies that can achieve the same results, but with more active effort and time invested into them. (Talking more in the sense of trauma processing, unconditional self love and inner peace and as a consequence your physical health improves as well) But I can do them anywhere, anytime and the only thing I need is myself. But even with fields I’ve noticed sometimes you have to put in effort by feeling what’s happening inside your body, addressing it and letting it go on your own. We all have trauma, if trauma energy inside your body is represented by rocks, a field can point out the rock and loosen it but you have to lift it and throw it out yourself. Results for me have skyrocketed ever since.

Jup, that’s a fact but sometimes that’s not a bad thing. And there are always other ways if you’re open to them.


Yo, I’m totally canceling all my monthly subscription sh**, i rather invest my efforts in here and keeping this place as a sanctuary.

i can’t just abandon you guys.

time to set the bar up.


That’s a very helpful tip! Thx!


Was pleased to see we are back up on Patreon and able to support the team behind Enlightened States. Here’s to many more moons of me supporting you all on patreon! :partying_face:


Subscribed :heart: